I didn't mean to fall in love

WHYME42086 - Jul 17 2023 at 16:08
I have been helping a man that works for my sister. he is a tree cutter, carpenter, electrician and plumber. He is very nice to me and it does not bother him that I am gay. He does not have a family anymore. He told me he is attached to me and loves me like a bother. I have told him I feel more than that for him. I never thought I would feel this way about him but yes I am in love with him. I have spent every afternoon with him and every weekend for the past 2 months helping him. He is working on flipping a house that is a mile down the road from me. I feel this bond with him like I have never felt with anyone, I want to be with him all of the time.
Every morning he stops at my house and again in the afternoon before he goes home. He has an hour drive and texts me the whole time and later before I go to bed. I am 61 and he is 52. He talks about the women he has been with and I know he is not interested in me sexually. I am trying to keep my heart distanced because I know I am going to get hurt and it's not easy. He has already picked up something is wrong and tells me I Can talk to him about anything. I just can't say how I feel out loud. I have been in only two relationships in all of my life and I do not sleep around. I have been waiting on the right one to come along and now he is here. It hurts when I know he does not see it the same way.
He is the kind of man I have always been attracted to. I am going to continue helping him with the house and cutting trees. I helped him Sunday morning on a tree cutting job and there will be another one this weekend. I just have to deal with this the best I can and burry how I feel deep inside. It just makes me feel sick that one day he may not come around. He tells me he is never going anywhere and even if he changes jobs he will still come to see me every weekend.
I have been alone the last 20 years, after the last one ended. the 4 years it went on were really hard on me and when it ended I told myself I could never go through something like that again so I stayed alone. Now that I have met him I don't want to be alone anymore. I would give anything to be able to spend the next 10 or how every many years I have left with him. when he hugs me it makes me feel safe and cared about and that is all I ever wanted. Sex has never been a priority for me. I don't know how I am going to deal with this.
Hi again!
Can you tell me why you deleted your existing thread and have started it again here?
Hello, I did not delete it.
And the second part of my question, please?
Sorry - if you didn't delete it then can I ask why you didn't just continue with it rather than start this duplicate?