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Cancer, kids, divorce, job trouble

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Hi, I am new here. I am 38 yrs. old. On 07/19 I found out I have brain cancer. Most of the tumor was removed and what is left I'm on a research drug that has kept it from growing so far. I was married for 12 years and have two kids, one 7, and one 4. My wife started doing meth/drugs in 2022 and there was another Man/meth head involved. In December I filed for a divorce, and she was given the house for 60 days to get packed and get out of the house. During this time the house was straight destroyed. Many things disappeared from the house during this time, washer/dryer, lawn mower, etc... I have full custody of my children and in March of this year I got the house back. So now I have the kids and a house all for me to take care of. Cancer/medications have their effects even if the tumor isn't growing, I get tired very fast, trouble thinking straight sometimes, speech issues if emotions get high (Divorce My schedule at work has changed and made it to where my pay is about 15% less than before I got sick. I work Mon-Fri 8 hr. days, which works good with me having the kids, but I get no child support, so my finances are barely hanging on. Just doing the normal stuff around the house is hard enough to keep up with, then add I have to go to the laundry mat to do clothes, I have an acre of land and I could only afford a push mower with prices and my pay the way they are. Plus, all the things that need fixing. I haven't been successful handling all of this. I've been late to work or missed days because of lawyers, or the kids being sick. My dad is sick (Immune system issues) and can't be around the kids when there sick. Today at work I got wrote up for attendance. I am Tring, but it's starting to feel like there is little I can do to keep this up let alone get things back the way they were. Where is help when you need it and can't afford it. I also have to drive to the hospital which is 3 hrs. away to get my research medication refilled every month, more costs, yeah. So, I have brain cancer for the rest of my life, I'm almost a single father, I LOVE my job, but got my hrs. and schedule changed and am close to losing it for being late/missing days trying to keep up with everything. I don't know where to turn for help, that I can afford. Where do I get motivation? How can I motivate myself? Why does it feel like the world could care less? And we are only half way through the year. The divorce court and stuff is coming up so even in the future there is still hurdles to look at.

Cancer, kids, divorce, job trouble

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Hi Tater, please bear with me - I'll try to get to you some point today - or someone else might beat me to it in the meantime? Not sure...Been a bit short on respondents lately.

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