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Losing battle with ejaculation

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25 year old guy here. I have a very weird and insane habit of ejaculating which is ruining my focus and personality. I am really sorry to express embarassing things about myself here but I want to seek help. I often think about quitting ejaculation forever but I fail to stop my urge to ejaculate. I ejaculate 2 times daily. My way of ejaculation is also extremely unusual and weird. I take around 40-50 to ejaculate, that means it wastes my lot of time. I don't ejaculate with the help of my hands, I ejaculate by lying down on bed and rub my penis against the bed. I ejaculate on several things like porn, my own imagination or some girls on Instagram. During ejaculation, I feel extremely frustrated when somebody enters the room due to which I have to interrupt my ejaculation. I don't want to feel so much frustration. Rarely my family members found me ejaculating (they don't know I am ejaculating, they only know that I am doing something weird) and that scares me as hell. Today, I was ejaculating by lying down on a table (I use table when no bed is left empty) and my dad saw me cuz I was unable to hear my dad's footsteps and was not aware of his presence. He didn't knew I was ejaculating, he thought I was doing some mysterious thing. He told my mom that he found me lying on table. After hearing this, my mom scolded me a bit and thought I am mentally sick or insane. I don't want another scary or embarassing moment. Atleast I was glad that I did not watched my phone during ejaculation today otherwise my parents would have gone bonkers if they noticed what I am watching on phone. I am thinking about deleting my instagram and all the photos in my phone's secure folder. I cannot delete instagram cuz I interact with my friend on that and I also watch some great & informational content on it. I wish I could end this weird habit forever without visiting any psychiatrist because I don't want to spend anymore money. If I don't change my habit, I will be in huge trouble. I may have fuzzy brain due to this habit.

Losing battle with ejaculation

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Stop doing it then. You're crying about being stuck in a whole that you dug yourself into. Move out of your family's house, you are a grown ass man. The fact you're even complaining about this problem is beyond me lol get a life

Losing battle with ejaculation

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Hi ERYENGESH, Hmmm... It sounds strange and unusual habit. Although it's not too abnormal at that age (Little late may be. I would guess your age to be between 16-23). You are exploring things and that is normal. The problem is getting addicted to it. The good thing is you acknowledge this as a problem and seek solution to it. Half problem solved. I've few questions to understand your situation better - 1. Do you have a girlfriend / boyfriend ? I guess not, that's why so much 'activity'? :D :D 2. Do you have a close-best friend / close cousin (preferably guy) with whom you can share this and ask about their experience? - probably not, that's why you are here. Duh... silly me. 3. Do you have a job or are you a student? If none of the above, are you working towards any such goal? "Rarely my family members found me ejaculating (they don't know I am ejaculating, they only know that I am doing something weird) and that scares me as hell" ---- Can you lock your door before you do this? They can wait, if the door is locked and you can take your time to open the door. "I am thinking about deleting my instagram and all the photos in my phone's secure folder. " - That would be extreme in my opinion. Everyone has such phase in their life where they are 'exploring' things. Eventually we become mature and we no longer 'need' it. Overall, it sounds like your sexual appetite is not fully satisfied until you do your 'activity'. I can suggest few things to try out. I'm not sure if they will work but you can try - 1. You need a distraction. Cultivate a hobby (reading, watching TV, running, cycling, knitting, painting, game playing, anything), which will keep your mind off from ejaculating for longer time. You may engage in more adventurous sports like rock climbing, rappelling, mountain bikes, amusement parks, video games, etc. This should exhaust your body and will keep you distracted. 2. Try to change your masturbation to hands instead of table or bed. (some sex toys may help.. not sure) I think it is much easier and faster that way. It is normal to do it daily at that age. 3. Have you tried dating? Tinder may be...? Going with that intention is totally wrong. But, it may alleviate your problem. 4. If you are a grown, working adult, stop living with your parents and find your own place. You will feel less anxious about all this. I'm sure you will eventually outgrow it. We all do. The key is to 'control' it. Don't let it go out of hands. You can do it!! ALL THE BEST and BEST WISHES.

Losing battle with ejaculation

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Urrrgh. Sorry Nav and Blue_Sky, this is fake. (At the top of the Forum Index page, type Eryengesh in the 'Alias' filter box and you'll see his history for yourself.) "Eryengesh", What do you think you're playing at, laddie? Thread after needlessly abandoned then re-created thread, for nigh-on 7 long months, banging on how you feared you had mucormycosis, then possibly OCD with it - yet now, all-of-a-sudden, that's completely by-the-by and you've got a brand-new issue, and, oh, what a surprise . one which just happens to be somewhat 'embarassing' tfor respondents (you hope)? We're not stupid or permanently stuck in Softie mode, you know. We're just compassionate adults who prefer to err on the side of caution. "I am thinking about deleting my instagram and all the photos in my phone's secure folder." Yeah? I got you beat. *I'm* thinking about deleting everything you've ever written or anything you try to write in future. Howzat? On yer bike. Literally in your case. Or try Xbox Live. At least if you play car games it'll help your hand-eye coordination towards passing your driving test (25yo my arse; try 15) and you might make some friends. Or tell us what your REAL problem is. Why this is entertainment for you? What's really going on with you? Come on - fess or foff. Last chance.

Losing battle with ejaculation

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OR make yourself useful by pitching in, genuinely answering posts from those in your agegroup (we get plenty check out Lily31 - Parents Split Up) with problems you can not only relate to but know more about than adults because you're there, IN that 'world', still. I don't even care if you're only 10! You still know stuff. I mean, if you're going to post, at least make it worth yours and everybody's while, get something REAL back for your effort (and that lasts far longer than a smirk). Giving other people comfort and help, even just 'holding their hand' as they go through something, becoming their life-line, builds your self-esteem, happies you up, in your case, enhances your one-on-one interaction skills, and gives you a sense of purpose and satisfaction, faster than anything. It's not why I do it, it's just a side-bonus, but it's true. Come on, get real. Nobody happy or even content behaves like you've been doing. Stop wasting a resource and golden opportunity. ...If you think you're hard enough?

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