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I like this girl and don’t know what to do

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Met this girl at orientation week of college, and she is super sweet and fun to be around. We’re also doing very similar majors which means I’ll most likely share some classes with her, and I really like her. However I’m not so sure if she likes me back because there are times where I think she does and other times where I don’t think so. We’re both part of a friend group and I heard that one or two of the other guys in the group may also like her. I feel like it’s too soon to do anything, but I also want to tell her how I feel before they do. Very complicated situation, so any genuine advice will be great

I like this girl and don’t know what to do

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OH I really enjoy these type of posts. Sigh. The potential of a love match. The beginning of what could be an epic romance. You've got to go for it! You've got to tell her about how you are feeling or make it downright obvious without being pushy or creepy. Man up. Be brave. That is the only way to know if you even stand a chance. Others interested (he who hesitates is lost). I'm hoping all the guys interest isn't just looks based. I'm thinking 'Notebook'. Tell me you've seen it? Noah would stop at nothing to let Ali know she is the one for him. I'd recommend you don't hang from a Ferris Wheel though. Please THROWAWAY don't throw a way this chance. Let me know how it goes. Success or failure you've got to give it a try.

I like this girl and don’t know what to do

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Not even two hours or so later I walked in on her fucking one of the guys. Guess nothing is gonna happen anytime soon. Kinda sucks but I’ll be fine and move on from this

I like this girl and don’t know what to do

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Life is what you make it We all get to choose what we believe. In fact we NEED to choose our own definitions of life. When someone says the word BELIEVE, what does that mean to you? It was only a couple of years ago that I realized that it means that I ‘be alive’, I am alive. My intentions, thoughts, words, actions, feelings, all connect and life flows through my beliefs, my connections, the gardens of life in my mind. This understanding brought more self awareness to WHAT makes me feel alive and what drains me of life, leading me to make better choices. I also started noticing the word more in songs and film and grew deeper understandings of what the word means and why its so important to understand. What makes you feel alive, why does it make you feel alive and should it? Our past experiences define our lives in both good and bad ways, we need to support our own true freedom and peace. You are entering college preparing for a world that has been doing what it does because some people decided that that is the way things should be done. We are living on other peoples definitions. Some are to be trusted, some are not to be trusted, some are to be grown and developed, some are to be amended, some have to be obliterated because they just don’t serve life. Your purpose in life is to be a secured connection of life, peaceful. Your purpose is to support LIFE. Your purpose is to define life in the ways that YOUR heart and mind believe that life should be defined. Your purpose is to connect truth with care within every single moment of life. It takes practice. What kind of a man do you grow into with practice? Dream your answers to that question? As I write these words I am imagining both real and ficticous characters that change my life just thinking about them because they exude, radiate, so much security and life specific to their nature, their character. They command my respect. I can trust them because they trust themselves with truth and love. They are on team LIFE. Not ‘my life’…. The range of possibilities of who we can become are so vast. One experience can change our lives forever. What we think, feel, say, do, believe each creates a connection of life effecting life. How we manage ourselves and life is the foundation of our own lives. Its strange to go to elementary school and high school learning from books, resources and being graded by teachers that are always ‘right’. We are programmed to trust the systems, we are programmed to believe that what we need to learn will come to us. We are programmed to follow instructions. I am certainly not speaking out against education, I am saying that there is a glitch in the system. We are taught to trust and have faith in systems but can’t be followers in life. We have to be BELIEVERS. We all need to think for ourselves. Look at it like upgrading your computer. Your last computer was filled with all kinds of important information, skills, processes of thought. What information? What skills? What processes of thought? Take some time before school starts to write down lists. SEE YOUR MIND INFRONT OF YOU. So that you can appreciate what you have and move forward with what you need. Let go of everything else that can clutter your mind from feeling free and able to conquer this next wonderful phase in your life. It gives you control over your life to see these truths. What we NEED to do in life is WRITE OUR OWN INSTRUCTIONS. What is your path during your college years. What is your focus. What are your INTENTIONS, THOUGHTS, WORDS, ACTIONS, FEELINGS, BELIEFS, EXPERIENCES? Write them down to help you keep what you need to remember in perspective. Its so easy to lose sight of what is important to you, especially if you haven’t defined it to begin with!! You have a lot to do Understand yourself Understand life Learn your subject area so that you can contribute to the gears of life. Plan for your future and perhaps a family What I am saying here is that you have work to do. Don’t get tied into a relationship yet unless it naturally connects to your path. If they are a MIRROR of who you are without losing sight of who they are. You have an infinite number of pieces of puzzle around you, and you need to create your own pictures. Your own vision. Your own path. Having friends around you that are doing the same for their lives is wonderful as you get to share insights and dreams, as you get to debate and believe in what is truth, what is needed, what matters, analyze films and music, history… CONNECT AND GROW TRUTH TOGETHER. And have experiences that help you express your energy, burn off steam safely. Life is magical. Make as many friends as you can, have as many wonderful experiences discovering life together. RESPECT is the root for love. Respect ALL. If I asked you WHAT IS LIFE? Would you have an answer you believe in? Shouldn’t you? What other questions should you have an answer for? I AM LOVE IS LIFE IS I NEED The list of questions you can define are endless. You have to take the time to gather all kinds of reflections and create definitions that you believe in. You need to build cups for your energy to flow in and out of. Speaking truth is connecting life and that makes us feel alive. Have fun and be alive.

I like this girl and don’t know what to do

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Have you made your TRUE LOVE playlist? One day you’ll meet someone that believes what you believe…if you’ve taken the time to define and believe what you believe! I’m still working on mine but it has.. JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE -MIRRORS JAMIE FOXX - She’s got her own MARC ANTHONY -VIVIR MI VIDA DOLLY PARTON -FAITH These days I’m thinking about my funeral playlist.

I like this girl and don’t know what to do

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Awwww. Disappointing... The good news, however, is: Right Person (cross!) Right Place (tick!) Right Time (tick!) "and she is super sweet and fun to be around." And deceitful, duplicitous, selfish, insensitive, aaand promiscuous. (How long has she known him - a few days? AND, not even conducting their animalistic-ness in private? Sheesh! "Mum...Dad? Met The College Girlfriend. It was my turn to get to take her home with me this weekend. Her name? Margerine (spreads really easily, even straight from the fridge)". I mean, I had no idea that orientation week was code for "sh*g anything that moves". (You can tell I don't approve, can't you, LOL.) You could have been scuppered by her. You can do so much better. You ticked two out of three up there so...won't be long now. It's like a Lucky Dip Barrel, is dating. Dip your arm in, have a quick feel around, pull out a packet, unwrap it, No/Ew...dip your arm in again.... Until the time is right, you'll probably keep getting some useless toy made out of cheap plastic that'll only last for 5 minutes. Or your sleeve covered in sawdust splinters that won't come out in the washing-machine. Aye, it's hard work trying to find a girlfriend worth having. I think the best thing, especially these days, is to focus on your studies mainly, to keep yourself distracted, and just LET it happen....form proper friendships with the young women there and let one grow on you gradually. It'll help your confidence massively, to get to learn how they tick (including the inside intel ;)). Plus they'll be likely to try to matchmake you with their friends (e.g. so she and you can go out as cosy couples with her and her steady, for example). And, most importantly, you'll have the time and space to tell if they're iffy. The biggest mistake people always-ALWAYS tend to make is, getting into a relationship with someone just because there's physical chemistry and practical perks/conveniences....and then finding out, that bit too late, that, actually, they don't even LIKE them. You've GOT to like as well as fancy them for any chance at success (going steady) - in that order. And don't forget to eat your vegetables. LOL PS: Next time you post, please can you asterisk your swearwords? Cheers :)

I like this girl and don’t know what to do

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Have you seen the film MAVERICK? Tom Cruise say's 'Im not teaching people how to fly, I need to teach people how to be me' In other words, WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE SOMEONE THAT IS TRULY FREE, SECURE? Able to navigate through life connecting life. Connected to their own lives and thereby life itself. Once you define who you want to be, in the right will that impact your life? These definitions take time to develop and grow within us, the sooner you get started creating your definition of WHAT A GOOD MAN IS the sooner you will be one. Look at some of the examples there are in the world. They were not born leaders. They had experiences that defined them. They connected truth and love throughout those experiences. And truth and love defined them. (What are experiences? Intentions, thoughts, words, actions, feelings, beliefs) i used to have a poster in my room, a guy playing basketball (a symbol of believing in ourselves and achieving goals) The poster said WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS THEY BECOME YOUR WORDS WATCH YOUR WORDS THEY BECOME YOUR ACTIONS WATCH YOUR ACTIONS THEY BECOME YOUR HABITS WATCH YOUR HABITS THEY BECOME YOUR DESTINY There are all kinds of varieties of this poster, get one or make one... and BE ALL YOU CAN BE.

I like this girl and don’t know what to do

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You don't know what you're doing You don't know who you are YET That is part of the process of growing up NEITHER DOES SHE So be good to her So that good can grow It is likely that she is really confused and could use friends that see the best in her, so the best in her can grow. Share in some good group or one on one experiences to remind her that life isn't.... having sex with someone you don't know. FRIENDS define what life is together by sharing thoughts and doing what friends should do together. Helping her be free, with truth and love, simply being honest and caring... .will help you be free And will bond you forever in a pure way. There isn't anything in life more valuable than TRUE LOVE That is meant to be shared between everyone.

I like this girl and don’t know what to do

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Listen to MARIO - LET ME LOVE YOU Let it build you into a Prince to all Because you are a protector of all when you secure them with care You have the power to give people PEACE. One connection of peace can set people into a direction of creating more peace for themselves. Everyone around you is confused, so are you.... We all need security and security comes from LIFE, connections of care. Be CARING. Create a list of songs that will help guide you to be a PRINCE. Believe in yourself Believe in true love and true love will be day. Define define define And surround yourself with reflections of art that support your vision

I like this girl and don’t know what to do

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I like this girl and don’t know what to do

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What is EGO? You are young... you can grow FREEDOM, SOUL... or EGO The entire world struggles with their ego getting in the way of their freedom. Peace. LIFE. You see, college is a time to learn your subject and skill...but its also a time to define yourself and your life. EXPLORING and understanding ART and LITERATURE with your friends is a wonderful way to spend this era of your life.

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