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Some questions

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I need to know the answer to some questions and they are to do with myself. The first one I want to know is, if your husband is with works on a night out and playing a game of skittles. If he as a woman he works with on his team and they do well, should he high five her if the game is going good. ? Should he not do this if he is married or is it ok and is it touching in a way or just a bit of banter? Is it normal for a husband to enjoy time with work colleagues and have fun more then when with his wife? Like if with work he goes for a nice meal or goes to watch a comedian on stage because work pays for it? Where with his wife they just go the cinema and have a meal and stay away and nothing different at all ? Another question is how many nights should a husband have away from his wife throughout the year if it’s a work thing like training or having to go because a customer wants to go to to see a product the company sells to do with the job, and should the wife stay away as much if the husband is or as long as they both get away together throughout the year does it matter if the husband is away a lot more? The wife only stays away to get away from the house and to not be there all the time for the husband and taken for granted?

Some questions

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It sounds like your husband LOVES HIS LIFE. I bet that is why you fell in love with him. Do YOU love YOUR LIFE? People that are ALIVE, connected with life are attractive and flowing with positive energy. There are places in the world that we want to be and there are places in the world we don't want to be. Our lives and our energy are constantly changing, creating patterns and effecting our environments. Do you need to give your home a complete makeover with fresh clean energy? When I say 'he loves his life, what do I mean? Life is made up of connections of energy. Our intentions, thoughts, words, actions, feelings, beliefs, experiences. Our lives are made up of CONNECTIONS OF ENERGY that we create and absorb from all around us. I know that I am attracted to men that are ALIVE, VIBRANT. I am at the point in my life where I believe in who I am and what I do, these definitions mean everything to me. I don't feel any kind of insecurity. I know that I am wonderful and I can only hope to have the kind of relationship that values honesty, so that if my husband no longer connects to me, that we will either reconnect or separate. The purpose of a relationship is to protect each other with connections of positive energy. Sex combines our energy or mind and our bodies, securing each others lives. Sex connects us on some level, but making LOVE secures us on a powerful level. We have to find a partner that we want to make love with. I want to find a partner that is always with me in spirit, someone that I dream of creating connections of life with deep thoughts and feelings that are released when I kiss and caress him. Healing him. With ACTUAL LIFE. He can't be around me all day in order for this to happen. I need time and space to do what I do to support my happiness and freedom. My peace. So that means having a clean house that is in order. That means doing the work that I do. That means being an honest expression of my experiences. That means being creative. That means preparing and planning the details of the calendar. That means taking time to do spa treatments so that I always feel sexy, because how I feel radiates and connects to him. If I truly feel peace, he feels peace. So my life centers around doing what I need to do... to feel the true definition of freedom. A free flow of positive energy connections body mind. Soulful. I believe that LIFE IS THE DISCOVERY OF TRUTH AND THE CONSTANT PURSUIT OF FREEDOM. I want to support myself and my husband towards enlightenment. The man that I love is very busy, an expert in HIS studies. But he doesn't have time to explore life in a spiritual way. He doesn't have time to ask himself questions of the universe. Its up to me to guide some experiences that help him share his insight so that together we can put the dots together. We are both intelligent and deeply caring people. Have you heard of COLDPLAYS song YELLOW. 'look at how the stars light up for you'. I believe he is talking about the dots, the truths that connect into beliefs. You see, when we start asking ourselves questions and we have a mind that is already connecting lots of truth with love in our heart, answers just come to us. Not just answers but THE answers, the secrets of life just light up. I am a poet and 8 times out of 10 I have to question if someone was giving me the words through telepathy, because they just come out so wonderfully. Its what UNIVERSAL LOVE IS. There is energy is truth and we connect to 'THE SPIRIT IN THE SKY' and it connects what's in our mind for us. Another great song. This is all that talents are made up of. We practice (truth and love), we push the train and then the train pulls us. The man I love is smart, caring, silly, sweet, absolutely vibrant. He is a kind of superstar. His energy creates actual flames of life, fountains of life, truth and love that people feed off of. Have you heard MARIAH CAREY'S 'THIRSTY' song? It reflects the fact that some people let their thirst for life get out of control. They forget what activities and beliefs GIVE THEM LIFE. We are all disconnecting from our WELL. Another Mariah Carey song, 'I WISH YOU WELL'. the words 'I wish you well' are wishing someone connection to their own inner pool of life. Wishing people would cleanse their senses because they have lost their senses, quite literally negative energy is disconnecting us. Negative energy from our own pain anger suffering and sadness and negative energy is radiated by others that we absorb. Its in the air, its in materials, its in people....and its possessing us. The film BIRD BOX is very important to understand. People like your husband sound like they are a bright light in the darkness. I want to support my husbands ability to be that bright light. I love my own life so much and I have my own path, doing what makes me happy. It would be important to me that he understands what I believe, so that he never feels guilty about giving his love to others, (SEE THE CHEROKEE WOLF STORY) but I would also want him to understand the spiritual science that is taking place and the fact that he is a gift to life... and to never get carried away and cross any lines, even in thought, about another woman. He either loves me or he doesn't and if he loves me he doesn't want to be intimate with others, he only wants life to live within and all around him. It is our purpose in life, but undefined, unrealized, life can carry us away into making choices that we really don't want to make. My suggestion is that you imagine you are a young single woman looking at the world. What do you want to do with it and for it? What role do you want? What is your passion? What do you want to do with your time that makes you feel satisfied. Figure out it and create a balance that takes care of your desires that include taking care of your sweet baby. He needs to connect with you. He has to want to connect. If you are kind of 'the same story' all the time, then there aren't any connections of life in him to grow. BE YOU And he will want to discover you and your world I feel confident believing my love will always be in wonder of what I am up to today!! From what great outfit he will feast his eyes on today To the decor I have created for the season To what poetry I have written from my heart and mind To what new dish he gets to rate as edible or delectable today To what I laughed at today To what words I will say, because Im actually quite quiet as I prefer to write, so what I say is meaningful and said with LIFE To what connections of truth I put together To what projects I created To what I discovered about life To my honest expression of my experiences To the words that i find that help him create passage from how he feels to how he wants to feel (free) To the new challenges I have decided to undertake To the dreams I had To the recalls and memories I had and what understanding and vision I have To my interpretations and reflections of film and music There really isn't any end to the possibilities. I live life as we all should. Being me Being free It took me a long time to get here, but Im here. And I love it. I can't live without... being me.

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