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Anyone in here with strong spiritual abilities? who can feel illness?

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want to hear how many here on the site. can / are good in terms of spiritual abilities in terms of sensing illness at a distance? since some people are good at laying on of hands.. if anyone here can help, who will help for free?

Anyone in here with strong spiritual abilities? who can feel illness?

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Interesting question. Im sure its not a coincidence. Some priests have the ability to 'read energy and promote healing'. They will do it for free, but encourage donation to the church or temple. I have special abilities but I encourage everyone to develop their own abilities. You can be a kind of exorcist if you purify your body and mind. And keep the connection between your heart and head flowing with life. This requires self awareness and the cleansing of your SENSES. We purify our bodies by eating healthy food, detoxing with lemon, and exercising. We power our mind with creative tools that keep us on our path. We cleanse our senses with sea salt face bowls, steam, hot peppers, and incense. We all must secure our LIFE Our LIFE is made up of connections of TRUTH and LOVE Within out INTENTIONS THOUGHTS WORDS ACTIONS FEELINGS BELIEFS EXPERIENCES We have to be sincere and real We have to PROCESS OUR LIVES By being honest expressions of our own experience Through journaling and art We need to constantly strive for FREEDOM (flow of life) Do not lie Lies do not allow for LIFE to connect Lies create evil (the opposite of life) Lies create disconnections in life, drains in life draining us of life FEEL PEACE You can't be here looking for someone to help you as everything is kept anonomous so I see your question as you wondering why I do what I do. Let me ask you... If you saw a child needing CPR wouldn't you do it for free? I CAN But I don't need to if people learn how to secure their lives and live with balance. We are living in dark times. It truly IS a Bird Box world (Sandra Bullock) We must be proactive about protecting and cleansing our senses, We must create tools that support our mind We have to clean the environmental pollution We must CREATE PEACE So that we not just survive but thrive in this energy war. There is only GOD. There is no DEVIL Only demons that are possessed with negative energy. What this means is that there isn't an actual FORCE out to get us But there IS a FORCE trying to help us. People ask why do bad things happen to good people My answer is always... because GOD couldn't get there. Have you heard NIRVANA's song SOMETHING IN THE WAY? What about Stereo MC - CONNECTED Watch the movies BIRD BOX, 2012 and THE MIST There isn't a Hollywood film that doesn't address the war we are in supporting us with vision. . Each of us have one true purpose in life, and that is to connect life. Be true Be caring

Anyone in here with strong spiritual abilities? who can feel illness?

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In fact... I have been a natural exorcist my entire life. I was born with powerful connections of LIFE. (Security - truth and love) My powerful light has actually attracted darkness. My energy has brought out the worst in people.... My energy brings out the worst in people.... Because we are all rooted with LIGHT that wants to LIVE..... In other words 'you take it out on me' You actually TAKE OUT negative energy from you And it goes into me There is less negative energy in you And you light can breathe This is progressive for youth because they often find their way back on track doing the things that truly feel good. Whereas most adults have created patterns of life they they don't realize they need to change. They feel good, they feel more alive, they hold less negative energy... but then recreate connections of evil with their evil intentions, thoughts, words, actions, feelings, beliefs. Most adults forget what makes them feel ALIVE, PEACE. Fundamentally are all children meant to take care of our needs and be creative. Definitions of life are distorted in many adults because they have had bad experiences and haven't been able to make sense of life and be free. Everyone needs to learn to live balance, and freedom. We all NEED tools to help us process and manage our lives We are all meant to and CAN grow LIFE Instead of this yin yang of energy flow between us all going in circles downward we could rise Instead of our lives going in circles of sickness and temporary treatments We would know healing like we have never known healing before. In other words there would be fewer illnesses and diseases and more HEALING POWERS. We ARE all magical spiritual beings We are CREATING TOO MUCH POLLUTION of body mind and environment THAT WE HAVE TO MANAGE Unable to see JUST HOW POWERFUL we can be. It is up to us INDIVIDUALLY TO FREE OURSELVES SO WE CAN ALL BE FREE Those that are suffering are causing suffering both intentionally and intentionally by radiating their energy and forcing it on others (supernaturally) Some people are so possessed with negative energy that they can't FEEL anything except for the energy they create from doing bad deeds. Knowing they have effected life. Knowing they have done SOMETHING, because they feel unable to do anything. This is why bullying has to be stopped at as soon as it is noticed in our youth. When we do something wrong we feel a rush of energy, some recognize that rush as discomfort and connect the truth with care, they see they were wrong they feel guilt and they decide they don't want to do anything like that again. While others that don't have balance in their life (they don't have regular experiences that feel good) will feel that rush of energy and like it, wanting more of it. That rush of energy is our LIGHT trying to help us through what we are experiencing. Its GOD. We are all rooted with his LIGHT. It gives our heart its beat. A bully gets carried away with the patterns of energy, repeating bad behaviors, feeling GREAT (GOD), then dealing with the consequences and creating habits that take over their life. HOW IS THIS FAIR? THAT A CHILD WILL SUFFER THEIR ENTIRE LIFE BECAUSE THE PEOPLE AROUND THEM DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THE SCIENCE OF THE GARDENS OF OUR MIND. We should not be punishing ANY children. We should be helping them UNDERSTAND THEMSELVES. And get back on a track of FREEDOM AND PEACE.

Anyone in here with strong spiritual abilities? who can feel illness?

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'TAKE IT OUT ON ME' The list of things that people have done to hurt me.... would overwhelm you. And yet here I am.... LOVING YOU, LOVING ME, LOVING LIFE. . We are all alive Love life. It loves you. .

Anyone in here with strong spiritual abilities? who can feel illness?

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Look at homes for a moment. There are all different kinds of homes. Some people are horders. Some live in poverty with literally nothing. Some live buying anything they want whenever they want. Some live with the basics wishing they had more, while others live with the basics freeing themselves to be able to believe in the things that matter most to them, being productive and creative, growing good things within and around them. Some people are drug dealers focused only on making money not caring about life (people are light, life, holding a piece of God in them). Some people are pharmaceutrical doctors focus only on making money not caring about life. What are we doing with our time? Our connections of LIFE. Our intentions, thoughts, words, actions, feelings, beliefs, experiences. WHAT ARE WE PRACTICING, training ourselves to think and be? First we push then we are pulled. What experiences are we providing for others? How we training others? With what belief? What intentions, thoughts, words, actions, feelings, beliefs, experiences? How are we effecting life? Karma is the constant exchange and (our individual account balance) of light. How are we growing our gardens? How are we growing others gardens? WHAT ARE WE DOING WITH LIFE? What we do with life is what life wants to with us. If we SIMPLIFY what is in our houses, focusing on need, making it easy to see what we have, making us care about everything we have and keeping it all clean, we FEEL different. We FEEL more free. We feel more ALIVE. We feel READY TO BE WHO WE ARE AND DO WHAT WE DO. Its like having a blank canvas to create art on instead of one that has been used over and over again making it hard to create or see what we are creating. We need to be self aware. So that we can CONSTANTLY PURSUE FREEDOM. Only we can do it for ourselves. We can teach each other and we must teach our children through example and resources how to manage our lives with freedom. PEACE. We should be starting out every morning on a fresh clean page, with only what we need to remember to be free beside us. SIMPLY YOUR GARDENS YOUR LIVES Define I AM I NEED I WANT LIFE IS LOVE IS MY PROTECTION NEEDS THE WAYS I HEAL I THINK I SAY I DO Build your home With words YOUR words And stay on YOUR PATH Because negative energy is possessing us all Taking us away from home, peace, our MIND. If you don’t KNOW your mind BUILDING YOUR WILL PROACTIVELY YOU WILL NOT KNOW WHEN YOU ARE NOT YOU. YOU WILL BE CARRIED AWAY WITH ENERGY YOU WILL THINK SAY DO THINGS YOU DON’T MEAN TO BUT WILL HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES Prove it to yourself. Prove everything I have said here to yourself With examples, film, news, music, your own experiences… GATHER THE EVIDENCE YOU NEED THAT WILL MAKE YOU BELIEVE THE TRUTH PROVE TO YOURSELF THAT YOU NEED TO SECURE YOURSELF

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