Urgent work advice needed
BANANA780 - Sep 19 2023 at 12:59
Hello, I'm need some job advice. I'm a uni student working part time at a Jewelry shop in hk. After working for about 2 months, I realized that the job is not flexible enough to suit my daily schedule. They keep asking ne to put in more hours of work. They prefer for me to work from 1045 am to past 6pm, just like a full time job but I really can't.
I need to make time shift changes a day or two before the shift because of uni makeup classes or family reasons as my mother needs me to cook and care for my grandmother or my brother has school activities I need to attend in place of my parents. Last week, I got a call from the head manager that I should stop making time changes as it's inconvenient to my coworkers.
And now a week later, I need to change time shift again. My coworker gave me a warning that I'm at risk of getting fired. My mum is telling me to quit but I'm really worried about my employment record. Will it get negatively affected? Will it affect my future employer's viewpoint of me? Please give me advice on what to do. Thank you.
Sorry for the wait - respondents (all voluntary) are thin on the ground at the mo. Please bear with us? :)
Hi Banana780,
"Hello, I'm need some job advice. I'm a uni student working part time at a Jewelry shop in hk. After working for about 2 months, I realized that the job is not flexible enough to suit my daily schedule. They keep asking ne to put in more hours of work. They prefer for me to work from 1045 am to past 6pm, just like a full time job but I really can't."
Is HK Hong Kong?
Yes, they're breaking your job contract, changing the terms and conditions. They can't do that, they're supposed to put the request to accept longer hours (presumably paid overtime?) in writing and you either accept or decline in writing; the power should be yours there. But I don't know the employment laws and employee protectives in Hong Kong.
"I need to make time shift changes a day or two before the shift because of uni makeup classes or family reasons as my mother needs me to cook and care for my grandmother or my brother has school activities I need to attend in place of my parents. Last week, I got a call from the head manager that I should stop making time changes as it's inconvenient to my coworkers. "
Wait a minute... Are you telling me that because you can't manage to attend work during these non-consensual extra hours, they have the outrageous chutzpah to COMPLAIN at you?
"And now a week later, I need to change time shift again. My coworker gave me a warning that I'm at risk of getting fired. My mum is telling me to quit but I'm really worried about my employment record. Will it get negatively affected? Will it affect my future employer's viewpoint of me? Please give me advice on what to do. Thank you."
You you have the equivalent of the U.K's ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) in your country? Or do you belong to an industry union? What about an Human Resources Department at work? And was the job offer you accepted made to you verbally or in writing?