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Addicted to Instagram

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25 year old male here. I have a serious Instagram addiction. I spend a lot of time viewing Instagram posts, shorts and stories. It gives me a lot of pleasure but I don't realize how dangerous it is for me. I waste around 1.5-2 hours on Instagram per day. Wasting my huge portion of time is very counterproductive for me. This addictive habit is destroying me as a person. I have zero discipline. When I delete my instagram app, I again feel the urge to install it and use it after few days. I wish I get banned from installing Instagram forever. That would be better for my career and self-development. I am very sorry to say that I have a very sick habit of ejaculating to girls that I see on instagram. I do it everyday. Nobody knows that I do such extremely sick activities. I feel like I am an extremely sick person who should be in a mental asylum. I always fall prey to my pleasures.

Addicted to Instagram

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You got bigger issues than an Instagram addiction. You got something shitty going on in your life and your using social media as a distraction. I do the same. It's only easy for me to cut my screentime if my life is going smooth. If I'm in pain, mentally or physically, social media kind of numbs it out. So write out a list of what's wrong with your life, then write down what you want in life and what steps you'd need to take to get there. Progress isn't always linear or overnight. But if you're consistent with good habits, you'll be doing better than yesterday. Oh yea, maybe get a therapist under your insurance too. It might feel weird admitting this stuff to an actual person but they're literally getting paid to help you and observe your brain so. If that's an option, try it.

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