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Should I break up with my partner?

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I know that I shouldn't be going onto an online forum to this but I don't know if I'm crazy or if this is all just normal. I have been with my partner for a little over 2 years now and I don't know if I'm happy or not anymore. when we started dating it was great but after a while, it started feeling different, and not in a way like we were settling into each other. it started with little things like being upset when I had to leave or spam calling me when i was busy but then the biggest thing to me happened. we both do theatre, musical theatre to be exact, and I get cast more than she does. while a lot of the time i dont understand why she doesn't get cast i'm not the one making the choice. whenever it happens she gets mad at me and scolds me for it. she than proceeds to get upset when I talk about it even though I'm excited. now to clarify, I don't spend hours talking about only the shows i try to not talk about them because i know she feels bad but sometimes I want to talk about something that excites me. Another thing she does is get upset when I hang out with my friends without her or when i want to have alone time. i hang out with her a lot and try to spend as much time as I can with her and sometimes my other friends want to hang out. when we do she texts me the whole time asking when im going to be done and why she isn't invited. she does the same thing when i say i want to do something by myself. she also insists that i have life360 location on so she knows where I am at all times and over the holidays i would turn off my location to shop so she didnt look where i was buying her things, and she got upset about that. I dont know if this is normal or toxic but i think im scared to break up because she is friedns with all my close friends and i dont want to lose them but i think im not being given the space or respect to grow as a person. again i dont know if im crazy or not but all my friends are off at different schools and i have nobody to talk to so please i need some help. (I am her first partner and she is mine) (sorry about grammer and stuff im just typing this out fast)

Should I break up with my partner?

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yeah well she's your first partner & I guess we all go through learning stages etc but your partner is treating you as if she owns you. She's trying to control you & I'm sorry but she'll quite likely do this for the rest of her life (& not necessarily with you only) as she's insecure, anxious & unsure of herself. She'll do her best to isolate you from your friends et al & even try it with your family. It's all about controlling you so that you belong to her full stop. Your gut, your intuition, is talking to you & saying this isn't the norm behaviour & it sure isn't. Yes, you're correct, where is the respect for you? You need to tell her that there'll be no insisting about 360 location etc & that while yes you may be together, you don't answer to her nor are you an extension of her. Yes of course she'll have good points as we all do, but her bad points are her standout points as far as you're concerned & that's not good for a successful relationship. She will quite likely get shits with you & she'll quite likely give you the silent treatment & yes, tell your close friends what an arse you are, but at least you'll be giving yourself some freedom to grow & nurture as the person you want to be...& you'll never do it while you are under the control of your 'partner', so don't fret that you're gaining something at her expense. It's toxic when you can't be yourself in your relationship & it's toxic when you start to walk on eggshells for the fear of upsetting your partner. Ask yourself what would it be like if you had a partner who actively encouraged you with your theatre auditions & cast parts & was genuinely happy for you without her being an absolute bitch about it all. What would it be like to be able go out together & laugh together but also be allowed (God forbid) to spend time with others, to curl up with a good book or favourite music by yourself without her 'shadow' hanging over you? You should try it, you could be pleasantly surprised & oh, one other thing, your 'close' friends aren't your close friends if they'll choose sides - they should stay out of it & stay neutral because most importantly, it's none of their business.

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