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My family won't understand me at all

STUCKINALOOP profile image
I live with my family. But they have become toxic and they just can't be happy with anything. I am being restricted to go out of my house. Each time I go out I have to give them an excuse or a complete explanation. I can't speak freely while I am at my home. I am 25 and I don't have a room of my own. All of my belongings are kept in different places and I have to move my things whenever they tell me to do so. I had my examinations and I had trouble studying at my home since my family members shout at each other all the time. They continuously shame me for not having a job and put pressure on me for marriage as well. They have even set a deadline for my marriage. They wouldn't let me date anyone because they want me to marry their choice of person. I feel extremely suffocated because I can't express myself here at all. I have various interests apart from studying but they don't let me pursue any of them. I had to pursue my father really hard to do a medical check-up since he is stingy when it comes to medical check-ups. I really hope I get a job soon and I get to leave this hell somehow.

My family won't understand me at all

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Thanks for your patience, someone will be with you asap. :)

My family won't understand me at all

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Yep, get a job & get the hell of there. You're what? 25 & the quicker you man up & do it, the quicker you'll stand on your own two feet & experience the hassles & then costs that go hand in hand with getting on with your life. It sounds like you're not a fan of your parent's culture & if that's the case, then you'll need to stand tall real quick. The longer you hang around, the louder they'll shout. Only you can make it all happen, so hop to it. There's heaps of new people to meet & new friends to share your interests with. Good Luck.

My family won't understand me at all

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Agree entirely. Including behaving Toxic - and trying to compensate I'm betting for their lack of usual control in a better financial climate/more stable world? Why don't you have your own room nor even any storage space? What job market are you hoping to enter? Have a sneaky means to relief in the meantime from your confinement and being denied your NEED at your age to meet friends: "They continuously shame me for not having a job and put pressure on me for marriage as well. They have even set a deadline for my marriage." Solution: Mum...Dad...? I've been thinking about what you've been saying and YOU'RE RIGHT! So I've signed on to a dating website (it's the only way it's done these days) to find my match! (and then beam at them like you're really pleased with yourself and expecting a pat on the head). And then you just go out to meet your metes. Then you get home and say it was pleasant but they didn't have the maturity for marriage (HINT, BLOODY HINT!). ALSO. Every time you're made to move your stuff, realise this: FREE GYMWORK. You're BOUND to see a difference in your muscles sooner or later. Think about different to breaking-off to do squats or push-ups - yeah? (Turning Lemons into Lemonade that's called.) Shouting....Lovely. You need some of those cheap but effective, foam earplugs. Be surreptitious or (without looking to see if they're looking) BE SEEN to jam them in, every time they start up. There's nothing wrong with Passive-Aggression if what you're being deprived of goes against your optimum welfare and they've given you no other option. Then it's, parenting YOURSELF, now. It's when it's NOT justified and is your first resort, rather than last. In instances such as these, you HAVE to lie to Toxics. Telling the truth, trying to reason with them, gets you nowhere, fast. (Why am I telling YOU that!) Oh, and putting pressure on you just stifles your otherwise ability....self-fulfilling negative phrophesy-making, or at least, badly slowing you down, taking all the joy out of it....i.e., "an own goal". Problems with having to live with the parents after age 21 is increasingly becoming a very rife problem and dischord-maker/revealer these days. Imagine being 30....

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