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Why does it always feel like she’s cheating

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I’ve been dating this girl for 2 months now. She’s awesome and beautiful and shows me the upmost respect. As soon as I am separated from her my mind goes to awful thoughts. Is this something alot of men deal with ? Or should I go consider help. I’m not an insecure person. But more worried of what will happen in my past relationships.

Why does it always feel like she’s cheating

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Sorry, but you are insecure if you worry about your past relationships intruding in your current one. The fact that you think awful thoughts when you're apart is also an anxiety issue & the somewhat lack of trust. What happened in the past is for learning from & you don't need to take your thoughts there at all. If you choose a GF who shares your values & standards & therefore respects you, as you post, it will allow you to easily respect her back properly. Once that happens, there's bugger all negative thoughts...annndd don't ever forget that everything in a successful relationship is a two way street...always was & always will be. What you put in is what you will get out, if you choose the right GF. If you're going to be a worry wart, she'll pick up on it, (no doubt whatsoever there) & then she just could think that there may be someone better for her out there or even worse, she may think that she's not good enough for you! 2 months is early days, so knuckle down & don't let cynical thoughts cloud your judgement about your relationship or your GF. If you reckon she's cheating, then do yourself a favour & go & look for it, rather than do your head in thinking about it.

Why does it always feel like she’s cheating

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Hi JustGetBetter (- haha - impatience, anyone?) Agree with Manalone. "I’ve been dating this girl for 2 months now." And how long ago was it that your last relationship ended?

Why does it always feel like she’s cheating

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Thank you, I’ve been telling myself this but to hear it from more than 1 person overtime is definitely something I’ve been working on. Any advice on how to get over the thoughts? She helps through this as she knows my issues. Is medicine a good answer?

Why does it always feel like she’s cheating

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"And how long ago was it that your last relationship ended?" I asked first. ;)

Why does it always feel like she’s cheating

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And PS: How do you know what being cheated on feels like? (Answer mine first and then we'll be able to know whether you need a medicinal step-stool or not, yeah? Cheers!)

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