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Help. Do I have rights to this kiddo?

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For the past 4 years I have raised a child like he has been my own. His mother was just a neighbor. She was having a lot of trouble with men and having to move a lot. The child was with us four days a week to help her out. Then when school started he started to live with us because she "forgot" to register him. So we got him registered in my town. He moved in with us and started school. He has been in school now for three years. with us. For one whole year she never even saw him. never even called him. Now all of a sudden she wants to be mom again. what do I do.

Help. Do I have rights to this kiddo?

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Get legal advice real quick if you need to continue what you're doing. You guys have stepped into the breach for this child & you didn't mention any paperwork etc in your post, so if you want continue what your doing, then it's a going to be a legal issue. Your post tells us what sort of people you guys are & that you'll always have the little bloke's best interests to the fore, but if his mom puts her foot down, then she's his mom unless a court rules another way.

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