Social problems
CABRMRKA - Sep 18 2012 at 14:18
Well I just want your opinion/advice on the following: I have always been shy, not a people person at all and it has gotten me very anxious and depressed. I feel there's no point to life and that I will never fit in or do anything meaningful. I have had various jobs because honestly I dislike my coworkers. The only job I worked independently was my last one and the company did not need us anymore or else I'd still be working there. Why am I so antisocial? Well, I am happy around those with similar personalities and feel energized but those are so few, I always end up with the vulgar talkative ones. I am very quiet and just focus on work but everyone else feels the need to socialize and chit chat so I immediately am isolated by that because I don't really have anything or care to say anything because I don't care about their lives I only care to talk about work related issues that might arise. Any advice? I just dont seem to fit in anywhere.
You sound just like me. All I can suggest is finding clubs and societies for people with similar interests to your own. It sounds trite but it's the only way. You're not antisocial you're just bored of only meeting vacuous people and never getting to have a meaningful connection or mutual understanding. Good luck
you really sound a lot like i was a few years back..but not now.
i still am a bit anti social, but not depressed or feeling bad about it.
look, there are millions of introverts on this planet, but they are not depressed or sad about it.then why are you? being shy is not a crime, its just a personality trait. just love yourself for what you are. be happy. dont say that you cant fit you think all these millions of introverts cant fit anywhere..? you really need to love yourself for what you are.
yes, joining clubs can be very helpful. if you like music, you can go for karaoke, or some concerts, if you love art, go to some art gallery,find people of simmilar interest and you can easily start a conversation like-"hey.i think this is a really good band,isnt it?" see.its not tough to break the ice.
the main problem is that we think-how will the other person react,or what will he think of me? if that bothers you, then just know the fact that no one will think bad of you.
you can join social sites like fb can help you connect with people all across the globe. indulge yourself in some hobby,that way you will find some time to relax.
the key is, say this and feel this-"i am fully alive and love life. all the good things come to me. life is beautiful,just as it should be."..:)
wish you happiness and luck..:):)
Same. Sound just like me. Some people are natural introverts not always depressed. i do not like vulgar horrible people at work. I have strong beliefs in places not needing those kind of people. Maybe you have learnt to look out only for number one?, people are hard to trust?. Thats sometimes what i think about myself. I think maybe your a normal nice person, who rightly does not care for nasty small minded individuals. Correct i think. I like to keep myself mostly to myself. As long as your happy theres no problem in that. Be true to yourself and Good Luck.