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I don't know anymore, I'm just alone

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As the title says, I'm just lost and very alone. I can't make friends, I don't have anyone to talk to and noone is willing to give me a chance, even though I try my best. I'm used to drown in despair and sadness, but it's getting to a point that it's not ok anymore, even for me. I just,... I don't know if I'm even worth it. What did I do to deserve this? I just know I do deserve this life, but I just can't take it anymore. I sound pathetic, I know, but I'm really at my limit and I don't wanna find out what would happen if I cross it.

I don't know anymore, I'm just alone

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Hello, human!! I hope you're doing ok. Loneliness is a real problem and you're doing the healthy thing by reaching out. But first, a few questions for you!! Where have you tried to meet people? Online, in-person, or both? Do you have a preference here? Do you have any hobbies that you can share with strangers, or maybe games you can play socially? And what are you bringing to the table in these interactions? Are you simply making small talk, or engaging in deeper conversations? Are you taking the same interest in others that you hope they'll take in you? I hope you're taking the time to sit with your feelings right now and care for yourself. Just sit tight and talk with me and the others here for a bit and see if we can get anywhere.

I don't know anymore, I'm just alone

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I'm truly sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. Feeling alone and hopeless can be incredibly difficult to bear, but please know that you're not alone in experiencing these emotions. It's okay to feel overwhelmed and to reach out for help.

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