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What to add up to physiotherapy from client or patient perspective

FITVERNY profile image
What would you have wanted to be incorporated as far as physiotherapy, fitness and wellbeing is concerned. A problem or an idea to add on to an already existing intervention or services that could be helpful if provided.

What to add up to physiotherapy from client or patient perspective

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Hi Fitverny, These threads are for sharing and solving one's problems and traumas, whereas you sound like you're conducting market-research? Not entirely sure as your opening thread is very vague and over-general. Could you state what your actual problem or dilemma is? Or if it is market-research - could you (without naming it) explain your start-up's relevance to this forum and how it would directly benefit people like our visitors and lurkers so that I can know whether to allow it or not?

This thread has expired - why not start your own?
