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Man went cold... Possibly cheating???

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I recently got out of a 5-year abusive relationship. After the relationship was over I ran into one of my favorite people I've ever known so far my 44 years. Him and I hit it off pretty good. It was going really strong he spent the night with me every night for two straight weeks. Once I started talking about my feelings towards him and he talked about his towards me,he started pushing me away directly after. He slowly started spending more nights at home. Then I started accusing him of cheating because I got a random text message one night from him asking if I would come over to shower there and that he was

Man went cold... Possibly cheating???

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Hi, sorry for the lack of respondents at the mo. Please continue being patient and I or anyone else here will respond just as soon as humanly possible (- perhaps even those waiting in the queue, themselves - cough-cough-hint-hint! :D)

Man went cold... Possibly cheating???

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Cripes, you got missed (although you didn't actually finish). In case you switched on Alerts - "I recently got out of a 5-year abusive relationship." That was the problem, right there. It takes 2 years minimum, to 5 years, or longer to do the entire Recovery path after Complex PTSD. It how long it takes to de-prime (or de-slime as I call it). You got primed and forced into unnatural habits. If you go onto the dating market sea while you even have so much as still a SCAB on you (releasing Haemoglobin), you are MORE LIKELY THAN NOT to get targetted by another. Another who is CLEARLY trying to prime and brainwash you ALREADY as even those few tactics, are giant Classic moves from the Narc (Covert) Playbook: Google "Narcissist - Withdrawal of Affection/Attention". You'll see. Let me know if you can't find something that fits the bill enough. But BASICALLY, it was because you'd demonstrated that you were HOOKED (Love-Bombing/addicting-you Stage Complete & Successful) that he knew he was now safe enough to dick you around, confuse you, get you wanting to chase (like you're Tarzen, he, Jane).... basically do ALL the relationship heavy-lifting ...all the work for you, none and all the perks for him. Typical (google) Narc Devalue behaviour. Cheating or behaving deliberately like he is called - "Narcissistic Boyfriend - Triangulation".

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