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What is this obsession with sex?

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All I read everywhere is problems with women wanting sex all the time. What is this obsession women have with sex? The general belief is that its the men who are obsessed with sex when actually it's you women !!! Is it as I believe that women have so little substance to bring to a relationship that without sex, their lives feel empty? How very Sad.

What is this obsession with sex?

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well dude..pliz give me da nos of those women cuz i would definitely would want to bang dem..hahahaha

What is this obsession with sex?

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Without men initiating sex, women begin to feel like your not attracted to them anymore or that your attracted to someone else. Plus sex with someone you love makes the relationship much more intimate. Without any sex you might as well be a roomate no matter how much you love each other.

What is this obsession with sex?

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I don't think most women are this way, (I'm not)., But I enjoy having sex with my boyfriend.

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