MUNDOMON - Oct 8 2012 at 02:05
I have come to terms that I am a compulsive liar. Because of my lying it is tearing my relationship with my girlfriend apart. My girlfriend says she can't trust me. I have not cheated on my girlfriend and so knows I haven't. She has told me that she loves me it's that she can't trust me. I have admitted that I have a problem to her and I want to fix the relationship. I just don't know what to do.
I think it is great that you have admitted you have a problem. That is a really great start! I'm not entirely sure what the next step would be but I do sympathise with both you and your girlfriend as I know how hard it is for both of you. I am in a similar situation myself only I am the one being lied to. I have not found a solution yet but I am not giving up yet either.
What is it you hate about the particular truths that you wish to insta-change? And do they all carry the same theme (like what you do in your job, for example)? Or is there no rhyme or reason?
To have a girlfriend, or a boyfriend, is to hope that eventually you'll marry that person. Lying? Fuck off right now mate, if it was up to me bro, I'd sink any liar down and move on. It never equates to me how senseless people are becoming.
Yes, I second that emotion - kudos!