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We had what everyone wanted..

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Well, I just need to get this off of my chest.. I am engaged, to be married next month, to a soldier in the US Army. He's my best friend, my love, and my life. We have a beautiful daughter, she'll be two soon. Him being in the army has made it hard for us, we don't see eachother very often, and with his PTSD it just makes things even more difficult. Well, last month, he cheated on me. With a girl named Ashley. I couldn't believe it.. I took a bunch of pills, drank a bunch of liquor, and slit my wrists. I know it was stupid, but I was just wanting to escape.. It's been over a month since it happened, and I'm still hurt. I try to act okay, i try not to even bring it up.. But it's hard. My best friend broke my heart. And he didn't even care when he told me.. he had no emotion.. He didn't care... He still doesn't care about it.. He just throws in my face how awful of a person I am to cover up the fact he had sex with another girl.. What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to feel? Why do I still feel like it's happening? Why can't I even look at myself anymore? I don't trust him, and yet I do.. I just need help..

We had what everyone wanted..

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I'm sorry to hear that this has happened to you :(. With a kid it makes it a bit more difficult but all I can say is you have your daughter now, that's all you need. She needs you more than ever, and considering that he was a dick and did this to you with a child makes him worse than scum. If you did want to trust him I really consider you seeking out counseling or something, because if he isn't even upset about what he did to you then I say just try your best to get over him and move on. You will find someone better.

We had what everyone wanted..

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hello sweety.i know exactly how you feel.our stories have some same qualities,but some differences.i was in the navy had been married two weeks.when i found out my wife was cheating on me[her reason was drugs for sex]it hurt so bad i like you tryed to end it.but as you can tell it didnt work.we have been married 24 yrs now,i found out 12 yrs ago that that was not the last one there had been a few others all drugs for sex type.well for some reason i stayed,got her help for the drugs and so far it seems she has finally quit.but i honestly dont know,everyday at least 30 times a day i think to myself where is she?what is she doing? and who if anyone is she with? the bad thing is my brain says divorce her and be done with it but my heart screams no stick with her.the only thing i can honestly say is no matter what you decide about him,you are a very important of a person to one special personso please sweety remember her and dont hurt yourself or her

We had what everyone wanted..

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he cheated on you, dump the loser and forget about him. you are putting your life in danger for someone who is not at all worth the effort. What would you gain from the whole experience physical pain? It sounds harsh but you need to get over him, find someone thats going to treat you better and not make you feel the way you do at the moment.FORGET HIM.............SERIOUSLY, NEVER FIGHT OVER OR FOR A GUY LIKE THAT, HE IS A LOSER. he used you. God will never forgive him for this. i know its not easy because you said you were getting married. i am so sorry Amber. take care of yourself and your daughter. God bless you. life is too short to hold on grudges. [e-mail address removed]

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