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Hi everyone. I've been having an affair for the past two years now the man I'm having the affair with breaks it off then after a few days tells me he loves me and misses me an that he wants 2 be with me only he can't. When he leaves me I ask him if its what he really wants and he reply is always no its not what I want its what I have to do. We had an argument yesterday for 6hours on the phone because in one sentence he tells me he doesn't want to be with me and he only used me for sex in another sentence he tells me he loves me and wants me. He says his excuse for staying is he can't look his little girl in the eye and tell her he's leaving her. Now he's NOT leaving his little girl he's leaving her mother and their unhappy relationship. I have tried and tried til I'm blue in the face to tell him all his rights as a father but he's having non of it. I'm so messed up and confused and don't know what to do. He's always giving me hope yet I'm still crying myself to sleep each night. Is he just messing with my head or do you think the reason he won't leave is because of his child?


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Sounds like he's definitely messing with your head...and you are letting him...find someone else who treats you better...this guy is a loser.


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I am going on a 5 year affair,, it doesnt get better, the promises will keep coming with the I love you 's but I cant leave. I don't know when that streghth will come but I long for a health relationship and can't seem to find it. I think he is leading you on.


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2 imaginger i know he's a loser but i cnt seem 2 let him go as hard as i try. and lucky7 why have u held on 4 so long if it doesnt get any better? i am tryin 2 break free frm him but he always wins me back and i cnt free myself im still hoping he'll just knock 1 day and tell me its me he wants. the worst thing is im good mates with his sister and brother so im always hearing about him. (they dont know about us) just dnt know what to do anymore


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You have two options put up with the way he treats you. Or confront him be honest and tell him that he's hurting you. But this is not the way people treat each other when they love each other. So you can be a door mat or ditch this ******* stay strong and remember there are more men out there if this one doesn't work out. it sounds like he is saying he loves you so you melt, and sleep with him. Typical male behaviour. Every so often he will try his luck. [e-mail address removed]

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