Am I normal???

JOJO - Jul 11 2006 at 10:47
Ok, so i keep asking myself that question bcoz there must b sumthin wrong with me in the bedroom department, me n my fiance love each ova very much n we always seem to hav a really gud sex life,but i cant seem to experiment like i want to. whenever we hav sex his always on top,when im on top i bcome very tired n non of us seem to enjoy it, it goes on foreva n we both get no where, he asks me to get on top but in the end he rolls me ova. i also dont seem to get any pleasure frm doggy or any other poisitions, wots wrong wit me!!! the only way i can come is through solo sex or him on top, i wanna orgasam other ways but cant!!! he says his very happy with our sex life but im not, i also hav a confidence problem so hate bein completely naked! ahhh.... i wana scream!
there is more positions then missonary n u on top. thousands. try them be adventurous. and about bein on top practise makes perfect.
I really think u hav a confidence problem, n thats where the problem lies. If u dont lik to b completely naked ur not gonna lik bein on top, where he can see ur body, try havin sex with your tops on.... bein half naked is so much fun. also spend plenty of time wit forplay, get him2tell u wot he liks bout u, jus giggle alot, explore and hav loadsa fun!!!
What is Normal? Who knows? We are all different in one way or another and many other people have similar feelings to you. Just try to relax, enjoy yourself. Do as the other person said and try more forep[lay. Don't worry about the results.Then you might start to get more enjoyment. Incidentally pose for yourself in fronyt of a mirror and get accustomed to the beauty of your own body. Then you might enjoy sharing it more with your partner.