Not able to respect women

ASSASSIN47 - Nov 5 2012 at 16:03
Hi, I am 24 years old male. My problem is that I am not able to respect women. I have tried doing all sorts of things like not looking at girls or women, checking myself every time, reminding myself constantly not to think about women or gals as object of sex. But I have not been able to correct myself. How can I control this kind of lust? Is this some form of obsession? Is something wrong with me?? I badly want to be a good person, who respect girls and women.
Please help.
Thanks in advance
First, you to look at your role models. Mainly your parents. Did you father represent a good respectful male role model? Do you respect your mother? Your 24 so those who helped shape your views on women are still fresh in your mind. Once you figure out the seed, then you need to break that all down. Again, your 24. You just mt have a lot of testosterone and you need time to develop emotionally and personally. Sex is not a bad think as long as you are honest with your intent with the women you are sexing. If you will lie, manipulate and do what ever it takes to get in their pants and take great pleasure in dumping them after then you are a duche and you do need help.
You might need to seek professional help. However I think this might be due to how woman have treated you since you were a child. You might think we are all the same because of your history with us. Or a role model from your family.You can have sex with nsa. However both should be knowing of that before it happens.
All i would say just please, please respect women. I have been disrespected in the past and yes i am guilty of having no respect for myself. But sometimes i think this might come of the way i have been treated and how my dad treat my mum. Women want love and a good man. Maybe it is to do with your life with your parents?., how they responded to each other. Im sure you can be the man you want to be. Hope i have not sounded patronizing as i do not want to sound off like that. Good luck.