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Toilet cleaning

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My husband thinks I said I cleaned the toilet yesterday so he took pics of the toilet and emailed them to me saying if you think this is clean dont so the dishes, what do you think ???

Toilet cleaning

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Sounds like he was pulling your leg right? Are you reading too much into this?

Toilet cleaning

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Thanks but he is serious and believes that I dont do anything around the house it just gets clean by its self. He calls me a lazy fat *(&).

Toilet cleaning

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I would leave everything to build up for a couple if weeks in that case just to prove how bad things get without any input.

Toilet cleaning

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that's a great idea, I'll try but it will drive me crazy as i use that Bath also, luckily the kids use a different bathroom hahaha

Toilet cleaning

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He calls you a lazy fat a**? He is sending pictures to you of the toilet he feels you didn't clean good enough and doesn't listen when you tell him you didn't say you did? He is a control freak. You don't deserve that kind of treatment. A control freak will never change. They will manipulate everything you say. This is a form of mental abuse.

Toilet cleaning

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You're kidding right?? Pics of the toilet?? Sadly I know you are not. I am dealing with a husband like yours right now, have been for a while and am struggling with what to, how to stay sane. Check this site It sounds like it fits you as much as it fits me and has helped me a lot. At least it might give you insight into what's going on, then you can decide where to go from there. I don't know that leaving it all to get disgusting will help, it might just make you miserable and he will come up with other ways to make you feel bad on top of it. I'm sorry honey, it's no fun!Try to figure out why he acts that way though, it is what has helped me.

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