Rare physical contact

PEARLS01 - Nov 26 2012 at 03:55
Since my boyfriend moved in with me, he rarely kisses, hugs or even touches me anymore. He says he loves me with all of his heart but it rarely shows. He only touches me when he wants sex and that's not very often. Even then he sometimes doesn't even kiss me. There is rarely any passion. He says it is just the way he is. He wasn't like this in the beginning. He is not cheating and I don't worry about that but he makes me jealous by saying how hot other women are but rarely compliments me. He hugs, kisses and loves on his dog all of the time and I find myself being jealous of the freakin dog! I love him so deeply but I'm not sure if I can handle this distant, cold love affair or whatever this is called. Please help me. I don't know what to do.
Sounds like you really need to tell him what you need from the relationship. And make it clear that if he can not offer that you will be unhappy in the relationship and that there will be no future if it stays the way it is. You need to be open and honest if you want it to work. I hope you guys work it out.
I am sorry to hear about your situation. This is not normal and it is not the way it should be at all. You need to sit down and have a very calm discussion with him in a non-judgmental way.
Ask him does he love you? If he cannot look you in the eye and say of course I do-then I think you need to walk out the door.
If on the other hand he tells you that he does love you-then you need to ask him does he have a problem with affection and intimacy and would he be willing to see a counselor to help him be more affectionate towards you.
Ask him is their anything else that is making him unhappy? Work, stress, etc. Does he still find you attractive?
Their should be affection between you both at least five times a day. Its not normal to not kiss and cuddle and to rarely have sex. Does he take drugs/drink too much? If yes then he needs to stop!
I think you really need to walk out the door and let him know that this cannot go on. If he really does love you he will ask you not to go and he may realize how serious this problem actually is.
How do you know for sure that he is not cheating on you? He is very distant which could mean that he is or he wants to and it is not right for him to call other woman "hot" in front of you. There is nothing wrong with him saying another girl is pretty as long as he only means it in a friendly way but the word "hot" implies something different entirely.
You are a young couple who just started living together. You both should be happy. If you are having more bad days then good, it really is time to move out