Heartbroken :(
DEEDEE - Nov 29 2012 at 05:54
Hey everyone, i need help :( my boyfriend brokeup with me after 3.5 years saying he doesnt love me anymore. Its hardly been 2 months and now he says im interested in this other girl. Please tell me how do i get him back? I made a lot of mistakes when we were together. He had university issues and i pressed for committment. I really love him and i tried to get him back but he wont budge. PLEASE HELP ME!! I told him lets be friends for now, but i want us to be back. Please help!!!
Hi DeeDee
I feel for you, I know how you feel and it really hurts.
I think first off you need to have a long think and decide if you do really love him or if you only want him now you can't have him.
If you do really love him then you need to try and explain to him that you understand your mistakes and reassure him things would be different.
I think you need to realise though that if he just doesn't feel like that about you any more you can't force him to love you and you would have to move on.
I would also think that being just friends will be tough and seeing him with someone else will hurt.
In closing show him you've changed, fight for him but if its not meant to be walk away and be safe in the knowledge that you will get over this and you will meet someone else.
Good luck
3.5 years and yet he still have the guts to let go?
Sweety, those years meant nothing to him. If it did, then he wouldn't be able to let go.
Love is powerful. You love him, but I don't see love from him to you. And trust me, I know it hurts, but you can't make someone love you. Things don't work that way. If it did, then everyone would have the one they want.
Honestly, the best thing to do now is to try to accept the fact that you two aren't together anymore. Yes, you're going to be stubborn and not want to accept it, but don't waste your time chasing someone who wants someone else. It's such a waste of time.
Try your best, Love. I know that there is a strong person in you. :)
Hey... Thankyou so much for all the concern.. i know everyone says that i need to move on and if i think about it practically he doesnt deserve me. I REALLY love him. Now the whole story is that i pushed him alot for commitment at a time when he had serious university issues. I always knew he wanted to get committed in late 20's but he always assured me he was ready when all our mutual friends said that he is not seriously gonna do this. He did tell his parents and an arguement took place. He did that because he was guilty and thought i deserved a chance. I asked him why didnt he tell me that he wasnt ready and did not want committment, he said i just couldnt face you. I cant shake him and bring him back to senses. I strongly believe there was a lot of love. I dont know what happened suddenly, i feel that his parents discouraged him and then his university issues pressurized him maybe... but he says he doesnt love me... :( im being his friend but i really miss him. Is there NO WAY at all???
Sorry, Love, but you just can't be friends with someone who you love deeply. It's not going to work out. It's best if you just end it all. He's not hurt about the relationship status like you are and he won't be. You're the one whose hurt. Love yourself more than how you love a man.
Please there has to be a way, how can so much love not have justice... i feel lost...!!
Life is not fair, love. Sorry, but you just have to accept the truth.
Hear me out, sweety.
I used to like this one guy so much, but he broke my heart because he wanted someone else. He left me all alone and I thought to myself, "One day, someone will come into my life and love me so much, I'll never imagine how great his love will be."
And guess what? I now have the most amazing man on earth. I am more happy than how I ever was.
A tip to help you out, when I am broken hearted, I always do things that make me happy. :) You can do the same.
I know exactly what u mean... I was heartbroken and very messed up when my boyfriend helped me out and made me believe that all boys are not the same... Some are like him too.. open minded, sweet and amazing. He broke me apart. How do i believe that some other person would be out there to change my views again?
He has broken me apart. Its an insult to me that he's even moving on so fast. Did he ever love me? We had such an amazing time in summers, i dont know how to make myself believe all this !!
Do not blame yourself for this. You two were not on the same page and yes it is going to hurt for awhile but you do need to stop all contact with him now. Do not text him or ring him and if you see him around just say a friendly hello and leave it at that. Believe me once he thinks you are over him he will want to come back but you must not let him. You have to be strong and realize that you deserve better. You deserve someone who loves you as much as you love him.
Dont be insulted that he wants to move on so quickly. That does not mean anything. He is just trying to get over you and get you out of his head. The chances of things working out in his next relationship are very slim and the same goes for you.
Go out and have fun. Flirt and build your confidence back up. Go on a few dates with a few assholes and then dump them :)
Spend a lot of time with your family and friends. Start a new hobby and have fun.
Time is a great healer and eventually you will be ready to meet a man who worships you