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If you're given a second chance at love - shouldn't you grab onto it with both hands?

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I don't even know how to start. But I need to get this out of my system. I know that I'm probably going to get a lot of negativity pouring in, but I'm going to take that risk, I have to. I'm married, have been for the past 4 years, we were together for a year and a half before then - and I have no idea how this happened, but I've fallen hook, line and sinker for another man. He's married, and has a little son!!! I know, I know! It makes me cringe as well just writing this down. I'm pretty level headed and grounded. But this, how we feel about each other its beyond anything I've ever felt. We work together - but in different countries. We've been on conference calls, and I had a little crush on him because he's really smart and has a brilliant new refreshing leadership style, and then he was visiting my location. We met officially the first day, and just hit it off. Like kindred spirits. So after he'd finish his meetings, he'd come and hang at my desk and we'd talk about work, life, our experiences, our spouses. Then we went out for drinks one night after work, and spent the entire night - first at the bar and then at a coffee shop, till 6.30 in the morning - just talking. Its like we knew each other forever. We didn't get any sleep as we both had to be back in the office fairly early. Later that day, after our day of crazy meetings and work, he came by my desk and we chatted again. Its like we can't stop talking to each other. He was leaving that night, but when I was driving him back to his hotel, he kissed me. I was hoping on every star in the galaxy that all the intensity I felt for him - mentally and emotionally, would kind of die away if we had no physical chemistry. But we did - amazing chemistry. I haven't been kissed like that - ever, and I haven't been a choir girl when I was younger! When he reached the airport, he called me and said that he was falling in love with me - even if I feel it, I take my time telling a man that I love him. And I knew I was falling for him - hard. Post that, its been a couple of months and we try and talk to each other everyday - we're still in 2 different countries, 2 time zones, when we can around our "normal" lives. Now this is where it gets tricky, I was not thrilled in my marriage before him, but I always thought relationships need effort and patience, so to me I'd categorize my marriage as being happy and normal. I have no idea what he's done to me - but the world seems so much more alive, everything so clear. I see gaps, things I'm missing in my marriage now. I wasn't looking for something, because I thought I was done with the adventures of love - and that if I wanted excitement I had my memories. Being with him

If you're given a second chance at love - shouldn't you grab onto it with both hands?

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this is tough. i dont know if i would take this risk unless this person is my soulmate. its risky as you dont know someone unless you live with them. i mean know them really well. you dont know if you are compatbile living togethier. but enjoy while you are married. and while he is married. and wait a year or so to reassess with this other man and your husband. and then make a decision than. see if he is a good man. and work on your relationship with your husband and the other man. and then see if you want to stay with your husband and work things out or maybe be with this other man or with another man or on your own doing your own eat pray and love journey. but the best chance at second love is your soulmate. have a read of linda goodman lovesigns introduction for signs to look for when you are looking and wanting to find your soulmate. hugs.

If you're given a second chance at love - shouldn't you grab onto it with both hands?

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this is tough. i dont know if i would take this risk unless this person is my soulmate. its risky as you dont know someone unless you live with them. i mean know them really well. you dont know if you are compatbile living togethier. but enjoy while you are married. and while he is married. and wait a year or so to reassess with this other man and your husband. and then make a decision than. see if he is a good man. and work on your relationship with your husband and the other man. and then see if you want to stay with your husband and work things out or maybe be with this other man or with another man or with lots of different men without getting married or maybe on your own doing your own eat pray and love journey. but the best chance at second love is your soulmate. have a read of linda goodman lovesigns introduction for signs to look for when you are looking and wanting to find your soulmate. the only reason to marry is soulmates and when you find your soulmates. otherwise enjoy expereinces with other men and thier company until you get married next time. hugs.

If you're given a second chance at love - shouldn't you grab onto it with both hands?

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hi, i think you should think before deciding on this issue. Do you really think you are missing something in your marriage? Think before you leap. The marriage you thought so far as normal and happy is not adventurous - that's what you are saying. Are you prepared for the adventure also or what if you miss the normal life.. Try to know this person more before taking a step forward in this direction. Just a kiss is not going to take care of all the relationship adjustments which you are going to face in the new adventurous life. I am not saying no, but be prepared to face it. It is not so easy to adjust.

If you're given a second chance at love - shouldn't you grab onto it with both hands?

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Hey Sarona and Nick,Thanks a million for the advice. Actually its really uncanny about what you said Sarona, because that

If you're given a second chance at love - shouldn't you grab onto it with both hands?

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hello in my opinion it kinda messed up wht u r doin from wht u have said ur husband is not treating u bad u seem to have a good relationship we ain't perfect but we all as human we try to please our spouse to our best of our ability and we all have different abilities so wht u may find blue ur partner might find purple but the beauty of it is tht u come to a middle ground and find Burple so u got comfortable I'm not explaining myself correctly but the point is its not fare tht both u and ur husband get to a comfortable stage in life and u don't wanna work at wht u got established if u like adventure spice ur marriage up ok u messed up but thts between us here on this blog so take wht u experienced and request for more in ur relationship and apply it and if not don't juggle it cause eventually he will find out and it will b worse for him and for urself sometimes u never know whts the worst in ppl until u push the circumstance so work on ur marriage spice it up he hasn't done anything wrong to u wht if the coin was flipped how would u take it give ur husband tht chance to b adventurous if he's not thn make ur decision based on an adventure and thn once u fulfill tht gap thn whts next sorry to put my two sense in this but it has happened to me but I wasn't married but I had a child wit my partner and I wasn't given tht chance after five yrs of being wit her it vanished cause of her coworker after tht fulfillment she encountered she regretted it cause wht next give him a chance to work at it

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