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My boyfriend & I

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I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year now.and I literally left EVERYTHING behind for him.I've moved states, and even stopped going to school. But my problem is, that he gets mad at EVERYTHING I DO. Whether it be sitting a certain way. Looking at the tv, or not eating. He automatically says he's gonna cheat on me. And I tell him not to, apologize a milllliiioonnn times. I really do love him you know, but all this abuse physically, mentally, and emotionally is draining me. I've thought about killing myself recently because I have no one left in my life. I'm barely getting to know my real dad for the first time in my life. Right now, my problem is this situation: On Friday night, I was cooking dinner, and my boyfriend was on the couch reading about the shooting of the elementary school. And I sat down with him, and we were talking. I was reading the story on his phone and all of a sudden he says "oh I see " and I literally didn't know what he was talking about. He says "you're staring at the t v" and I had barely looked up right before he said anything. I told him exactly what I did. And he kept saying I was staring at the guy. Which the guy is William Levy. Someone I DON'T find attractive. I just had a conversation about him with my boyfriends mom and sister a few days before then...anyways. we argued, and he ended up saying that he didn't wanna be with me because I'm a liar. And I was telling him I wasn't lying. After about 2 hours of pointless argument, I gave up. I told him I was watching and just agreed to what he said because arguments everyday are stressful. He was then mad at the fact that I lied. And decided he was going to lie about things, and not say what he does. Now, he's the one who leaves home to work, I work from home. And he is the one who has cheated in our relationship. Accused me of cheating. May I remind you that I'm in a completely different state so I DON'T know anybody. Which, the state we WERE in that he accused me of, I still wasn't home. He has it in his mind that I did something, when really...everything I do benefits him. It's all for him, to keep him happy. When he's happy&we're okay, I'm truly satisfied with my life. But now, it's been 3 days, and he's acting weird. Not saying I love you, supposedly staying and doing overtime, calls when he leaves, talks the whole way home, texts while he's working. And on Saturday. He didn't come home for hours after he was supposed to. I ask him what he was doing, never told me. This is his hometown, he knows alot of people. And all of his friends I despise they are the scum of the earth in my eyes. They all are bad influences and put him in positions that he should NEVER be in. Anyways, suppose everything is okay right now, but the staying late for work, having a second job too, and supposed to wear a certain type of clothes. To have his brother bring him a change of clothes and shoes to dress his down. Always on the phone, I mean. I not stupid. I know what's going on. He denies it. He's the one in our relationship who has a Facebook, who leaves me here waiting up until 6 in the morning when he goes out to a club. I just want it all to stop. I know we can be better. I'm very good at convincing myself into being happy. I see the glass half full. There's a solution to every problem. I just need opinions and what you would do in my situation. I'm sorry for any misspellings, I'm on my phone so it's kinda hard. Thanks: )

My boyfriend & I

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Your boyfriend seems to take you for granted and doesn't respect you at all. Nobody should be treated like this. I think you should tell him how you feel about this behavior. Speaking out about it, will help the both of you understand each other better. I would suggest you be careful and look out for yourself. If he is going through a rough time try to listen and help him through his problems. If he refuses to talk I would suggest you find a better person.

My boyfriend & I

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u should just leave him like the last person said talk bout it the thing is even if u talk bout it he won't listen or take into consideration ur feelings or emotions ur goin to b talkin to a wall wht do u love bout him he doesn't appreciate u as a person or a female theres plenty of guys out there tht would appreciate u for being u someone who would appreciate ur time and company u don't to b abused or cheated on he knows u won't leave thts why he is takin advantage of u ur vulnerable now and don't know wht to do take the step and walk out of his life u deserve better u ain't a slave

My boyfriend & I

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I know you cant help who you love, and you cant just switch your feelings off. But their is a big problem here 1. usually when a guy acuses you of cheating he usually is the guilty one, 2. any relationship is going to have problems and fights no relationship is perfect, but he takes it to the extreme, 3. He has no respect for your feelings, 4. He is obviously immiture and cant carry on a mature conversation, and 5. He is just a bad person, and you may feel like you dont have anyone, but what is stopping you from moving back home, and starting over? I mean its your life, and your decision to stay, but it seems to me your reaching out bc you are unhappy, and no boy is worth unhappiness let alone your life. I suggest maybe some counseling if you decide to stay with this guy, if not leave him cause like I said no boy is worth being unhappy or taking your own life, that just means you let him get the best of you, and he wins. Think about that:) Hope this helps!

My boyfriend & I

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i know it's hard to leave someone you love, I know it. But it sounds like this is something you HAVE to do. Go back to your family, go back to somewhere where you know you'll be happy and where you'll have people that care. He doesn't seem like he does, and you definitely deserve better. Please, do this for yourself. Don't suffer through living life like this. Look... I know you probably don't want to leave. That when he's happy, everything is great. But that's not how a relationship is supposed to be. And it seems like you're fully committed and willing to work things out, but he's the exact opposite. He might even be taking advantage of that fact. You're in a situation that's very difficult to handle and that no one wants to be in. But I hope you do what is best for YOU. And if that means staying, then I hope ya'll work everything out. Best of luck.

My boyfriend & I

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Honey it would never get better your story sound a lot like mine excepted he was not hitting me but leave go back home to where your truly loved there is no place like home it's only going to get worst your life Is worth more than that bull shit he don't love you at all and his friends are helping him to cheat get out fast

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