My mind is on overload

MINDONOVERLOAD - Dec 18 2012 at 21:01
I met my current boyfriend of 3 years in the ninth grade. I am now 18 and graduated. My boyfriend left around march of 2012 to go to basic training and AIT for the army. While he was gone we always wrote each other and talked about how we wanted to get engaged and move in with each other. Things were going according to planned late august when he returned home from AIT and i moved in with him. Recently in mid November he started acting a bit strange. I had asked him what was up just thinking he was a little stressed with work (he works with the army and best buy) and then school coming up. He told me he was not happy and that he said that he doesnt want to waste my time.. He also said that he feels he has no time for friends, himself or me. He is not one to come out and share his feelings so its very hard to read how exactly he is feeling unless i pry it out of him. Well we decided to take a break (kinda hard to take a break when we live with each other) but we didnt kiss, hug, say i love you etc.. we acted as if we were just friends. well about a week passed and then he decided we should get back together. he was all over me the first night. actually he was all over me for like the first week. we were acting pretty normal with each other until just recently he started acting strange again. I cant tell if he is just really stressed/overwhelmed/depressed and doesnt know how to handle it but push everyone away.. his mother is bipolar and i have a feeling he might have it too.. I want nothing but for him to be happy but i also want my happiness back too. we had a really strong and great relationship up until recently. I feel as if his mother might have a little to do with his recent decisions too (she feels as if we moved in together too young and he needs to focus on school etc etc). we might be young, but we are both responsible. both have jobs, both pay bills. i feel as if his mother might have influenced him into thinking our relationship will hold him back from doing what he wants, when thats not the case at all. i want him to be happy and fulfill his needs and i am and always have been 100% supportive of his decisions. i wouldnt feel so strongly about this if i didnt know that this isnt what he wants deep down. I know he still wants this relationship but atm he is overwhelmed with everything.
I am going through a similar situation with my woman. Her mother is diagnosed bi-polar as well. We will be perfect for about a week then one day it will just be odd, then if we take a break we have another perfect week. Idk how to break the cycle. SOrry I couldnt help more
Is he the same age? If so, I can tell you that the work/school combo is not very friendly. There's a ton of stress, very little free time, and all the changes make a lot of things difficult. (freshman in college btw) And I'm not in the army or anything, so I can imagine that just makes his stress level skyrocket.
I could see the stress he's facing easily causing him to be this way. We're guys. Its hard to open up. We beat ourselves up because we're supposed to be successful and we want the best for everyone around us. I wouldn't say that being bipolar would have to do with it really, it's just the way we are.
The best thing you can do for him and for the relationship is to simply be there for him. You don't have to cater to his every need, you don't have to pester him about opening up, just let him know you're there for him and that you care.
Hope this clears some things up, and best of luck to the both of you.
whoa! dis seems a work tension acting between u guys as a villain!
he is getting exhusted & that is makin him feel guilty that he is somewhere ignoring you.What i can see is that he loves you but its jus few levels of understanding that isnt matchin each other!try new things involvig him,that might jazz up the old spark! do luck!
It's a lot of responsibility for a young guy. He sounds stresses. You both sound very mature for your age and in love. You have done the right thing by leaving him alone and letting him come to you. If it is bipolar, you will have to learn to deal with it unfortunately. He sounds depressed to me. My sister is bipolar and it is difficult, eggshells everyday, life of the party or reclusive, sugar sweet or pure evil, not much in the normal range and can turn on a dime, medication helps her but she often won't take it. It takes away her edge she says. I don't know how her husband handles it. He really loves her. I really hope it works out for you both.