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I am confused

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Me and my girlfriend have been dating for about 3 months now and i really like a lot. But every now and then she will suggest that i am cheating on her.(witch i would never do to anybody) and every time i say that im not cheating on her she gets really mad and says if you were cheating you wouldn't tell me anyways. This is really getting on my nerves and i dont know what to do please help

I am confused

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Marry her.. all probs will be solved

I am confused

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Sounds like she's trying too test you I wouldn't let it bother me 2 much..just sayin

I am confused

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Sounds like to me she has a guilty soul! Sorry brother!

I am confused

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Thisguy, your GF is insecure and therefore is trying to control you not only in actions but with anger. If you answer truthfully and she won't believe you now in the early stages of your relationship, then no matter how long it lasts, she never will. She needs to learn to trust and that's not your's hers. And if this is getting on your nerves now after 3 months, ask yourself what it's going to be like in the future.

I am confused

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You need to sit down and communicate with her. It seems a bit irrational for her to be so worked up when you haven't been together that long yet. Try to find out where her paranoia is coming from, has she had a cheating partner in the past? The key here is love and reassurance. Chances are she is insecure and doesn't believe that she is good enough for you to be loyal to her. You need to tell her how amazing she is, and that you could never ever compare her to anyone else. Stick with it, but if this doesn't improve the situation, assess whether this relationship is important or not

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