Confused :(

MELISS - Dec 23 2012 at 06:38
Well my boyfriend and I have been together for about a year, and recently we've been going through some troubles regauding trust issues. The reason he doesn't trust me is because of some previous problems-I talked to some old friends that he does not really agree with and he does not like what I've done before our relationship(old pictures of myself..) but anyways I thought we were working through those problems and he was slowly getting over those things...and all of a sudden one of his friend made up a rumour that I've cheated an my boyfriend. With a guy I've never met before. After this he broke up with me and said he belives it because he can't trust me, but even after that we continued to be "a couple" we'd see eachother everyday and act like nothing happend...but whenever he'd hear anything that reminded him of this he'd just get so mad and be so cold with me. I don't know what to do and I really want to fix this. He's very stubborn and is currently starting to push me away and I'm just so confused, I know he's very hurt about everything that has happend and is starting to give up, but I just can't let him go especially if it just off of a stupid rumour! *he's a very stubborn guy and doesn't not forget easily . So please some help!!!!! I can't lose him!n!:"(
Hi Meliss Ive been acting just like your guy..I met my girlfriend just over a year ago and weve been a couple for around 8months....there was an admirer in her life then ,a married guy who she hadnt been intimate with just friendly..on one of our first attempts at dating she ignored my texts trying to arrange a time..and instead went out for a drink with this this day that still hurts and I have trust issues in many areas since,,inc her being too friendly with my male friends on just meeting them..I can tell from their reactions they are very taken with her..she is pretty.
Sorry I'm telling you this story instead of trying to help...but if it is of any help I've talked with her about how I feel..and got immediate reassurance that it was me she liked most of all..and that she doesnt intentionally try and charm my friends...I'm slowly accepting her version and it does feel better than that horrible jealousy that I'd been feeling...perhaps if you can persuade your boyfriend in your quiet and friendly moments together to talk a little about his lack of trust and that you will try and help him with it...because I bet like me he feels some shame at displaying jealousy and that in itself will make him 'shut down'...He's probably really needing to say just what it is he's fearful of...I know it's hard as he may be difficult and angry..that's why I suggest talking in more friendly atmosphere..anyway good luck and hope you can work things out..there's every chance you'll grow even more together as a result of straight happened for me..