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I regret asking the question

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i have a crush on a guy... we were texting for a while... though he never used to text me first.. i always used to text him and he used to text me immediately sometimes.. and sometimes he might take forever to text me... but i always used to start the conversation.. he indirectly said he liked me... and i was sure of it.. but today.. just to test him i asked him whether i shall call him my brother... but he said "sure sure"... but i replied i wont do that as i dont want him as my brother.. he told me to stop flirting with him... what is the reason behind his reaction? it upsets me.. badly... i think i have done something wrong and feel sorry...

I regret asking the question

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Well hey,u cannot be so sad so soon dea,Give it time.Spend some more chats over him,know his likes & dislikes.Try to know if he already has some1 in his life.It could be like he was jus trying to be 'Good friends' with u & u took that as a sign of likin !! So kip it cool,communicate,Make it easy with him & then approach! It might be like he doesnt like flirting & wants to know if you Like him or not.Guys are often shy & sometimes they need a spark to take their feelings out! Something very special happened to me too..N today he is my fiance!! So u never know,Try hard & do luck !! ;)

I regret asking the question

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Pick up the book, He's not that into you. If a guy likes you, you'll know. If you have to chase and test, he is not into you and you are being childish for playing those testing games. And if a guy is not that into you and you then play these testing games, it will surely turn them off. Take what's left of your dignity and wait for those guys who text you first.

I regret asking the question

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I think before you can truly know if someone likes you I think you should at least meet in person. It doesn't have to be a date. Just chill somewhere and see what you have in common or what you like to do. The texting is just simple quick statements. Neither of you know one another at all really. Just a suggestion.

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