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Stuck! Please help

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Me and my boyfriend have been dating for two years and we have the occasion fight but always get through them. We are in grade 12. The thing is, he's my first boyfriend and I'm not sure I know what love really is. People always say you cant know what love is until you experience heartbreak. When I'm with him I feel happy, however he makes me mad a lot because we don't have much in common. The thought of breaking up makes me angry because I hate picturing him with another girl. I get jealous easily. The problem still remains, I don't know if I love him and if I will ever love him. Do I take the risk of breaking up with him and finding out it was the wrong choice, or staying with him and missing out on an opportunity to find someone I may really love?

Stuck! Please help

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If you question whether or not you love him the answer is you don't. Your young and emotions are still underdeveloped. If you breakup and it's meant to be, you'll find your way back to each other but you have soooooo many years of loving and experiencing before you finally settle. Enjoy the ride. Both heartbreak and love. You learn so much from it if you let it. And in the end, all that experience will give you hopefully the tools to find what you really want and deserve. Never look back at love and loved loss as a mistake but part of your story and journey.

Stuck! Please help

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If He Loves you .. don't please don't break up with him try to imagine good things you can both do together you can play video games together hang out don't lose a guy who loves this is so bad you'll regret it

Stuck! Please help

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If you question about loving him you must not. I think you need to think about his feelings in this to. Do you want to hurt him in the future cause you felt you missed out on a better "opportunity" And just a little more advice is to work on the jealousy thing cause that could cause a lot of problems in your future relationships.

Stuck! Please help

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Thank you everybody for the advice it has helped me a lot. We Hung out and we honestly had such a great time. We are not going to the same university, however the topic came up about long distance relationships and he insists we try to make it work. He says he will be able to visit a lot. Once again the question this, how do I say it, my "chance" of starting again? I know it's hard for you to answer as you don't know us personally But it's hard for me to honestly know if I love him without ever having anyone else to compare it to. This is my first relationship.

Stuck! Please help

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Just remember that another might not love you as much. And please if during your long distance relationship you consider being with someone else. Let him know before you do so it doesn't hurt him as much.

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