Partner watches porn while I am in the house

YOUNGB23 - Jan 7 2013 at 22:42
I really need some outside input to my problem because I am completely at my wits end!!! I have been with my partner for 6 years now. When we first got together we were 18 and I was his first, but I had several sexual partners before him which he knew. I have always been experimental but he never really wanted to experiment. I was always very patient and caring to him sexually. The problems started when we moved in. I went away with a friend for weekend and when I came back I put my sky box on to watch some programs I had missed only to find live sex chart recorded for a short time. I was so shocked that I hit the roof. When he got in from work I confronted him and he lied so I showed him then he said nothing and deleted it from the planner. He tried to act as if it was fine and everyone did it. His words
Could be that he's embarrassed. The male libido is very fragile. And 18 is way toooo young to get married. We need our experience especially men. Take that back. Men and women equally. Sex is a great and pleasurable thing and now he's probably curious, wanting to gain some experience and got caught? Instead of jumping on him, engage and be curious and invite him to share because if it's gaining more knowledge and experience that in turn can make your love making better and hotter, work together openly, non judgementally and honestly.
I can honestly say there could be much worse he could be doing. He could actually be out having sex with others. Especially while you're gone. Yet he stayed home and just watched porn. In my relationship we both watch porn. We both now the other does and that's that. I think he didn't say anything cause he might not feel like talking about him masturbating. A lot of people are ashamed or embarrassed that you know he does that. There could be many reasons why he didn't tell you. Just think about this to. Whether you want to admit it or not. What thoughts go through your mind? Do you have fantasies about anyone and masturbate. How would you feel if he asked you about it. Would you feel weird?
Thanks for the replies but I don\\\'t think I made it clear. We have been together for 6 year now and have had a great sex life. There was no talk of marriage when we were young and none now we are 25. But what I am getting at is that I have told him it hurts very much that he watches porn while I am in the house I don\\\'t care what he does when am not in. This I have made very clearly but to do it when we are at break point, knowing that it will really hurt me. He still did it! I really don\\\'t know why he won\\\'t say or he says he doesn\\\'t know why he does it. This has gone on for years now along with other issues I don\\\'t know what to do.
Well, we have a great sex life to. I just going to suggest something. Why don't you watch it with him? Maybe find out why exactly you're hurt by him watching it when you're home? Is it cause you have your own insecurities about your looks?
I have tried many a time to get him to watch it with me but he point blank refuses. I was never insure about me until this started happening. I am very hurt because it is disrespectful and if it hurts me he should respect that and not do it! Once can be forgiven but to do it all the time knowing I disapprove of it is what hurts.
Then maybe if it bothers you that much you shouldn't stay with him. He obviously isn't going to stop. So you either have to accept that he does it or not.
I'm 34 years old and I can honestly say if he is watching porn when your not home my honest suggestion would be to find out what kind and surprise him with those positions hes viewing or whatever is attracting him to it. most Guys wont admit that they have impulses and desires for the unknown (kinky per-say side of things) If he is watching it there is something about it bringing him to it. its filling a desire temporarily, maybe it's things he thinks you won't do or try i don't know but maybe try to see if its something you think you can fulfill. if not then you need to go on your best judgement.