Just a question

GREENLIGHT - Jan 11 2013 at 23:06
Do I not understand love? Am I looking for something that doesn't exist? I feel so attracted to some women but cannot build attraction with them. With Michelle I was never really attracted to her. She held onto the relationship the whole way. Is this what love is? Do I need to overcome something internally to accept her or is it something external that is missing for me to be happy? I haven't been happy with Michelle. It seems as though for my whole life every girl that I want, doesn't want me, and any girl that I'm kind of interested in, is all over me. What do I have to do to get the girls I want? Or is it simply a feeling of always wanting what you can't have? Do I need to accept this and live with the caliber of girl that wants me and be happy with it somehow?
I thought there were people that both wanted each other in this world. Why can't I find it?
Love is sometimes complex, but it doesn't have to be. I think it's great that you're looking inside of yourself, and starting to ask some questions. Here's the good news... you get to define what "love" means to you and for you. Knowing what love means to you, will help you find the right woman. There are people in the world who actually want each other, and who actually wind up together. If you feel like you're just settling for the person you're with, then that probably isn't the right person for you. Sometimes people act and feel differently when they're really attracted to someone else as opposed to when they're just feeling friendly. Maybe that's something you can look into in your quest for love.
There is nothing called love in this world. Dont worry you may not find it. It is just a masking word for lust. Just keep playing with one female to another. Still if you dont find it come back here again and post your message agsin. By the way why the hell you need it?
Dear stranger,
All you will find is biased ideas, based on personal perceptions, experiences etc. So no one will be able to tell you what love is, but yourself. Why do you think there are so many essays, poems and interpretations of love?
What i think would help you is to try. You say only girls that you don't necessarily like are attracted back to you. So try having a nice relationship with one. And don't always question it, just go with it. Give it a chance! You might be surprised. Physical appearence means too little, trust me. If it doesn't work, then try try try your best to be with a girl that you are crazily attracted to. Maybe you will find out after the charm is broken, that they are not that special after all. Maybe they seem so magical especially because in your mind you think you cannot have them. But you can, you really can do anything if you just want it bad enough.
And maybe after all this, when you least expect it, someone rather ordinary will break the pattern so hard that you will know it's her!
I don't know what love is, coz i only have my experience, but i do know that thoughts attract realities. And you are far too young to be so ...settled. Keep your mind open and enjoy life!
Good luck!