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Is my boyfriend a pervert

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i have been with my current partner for 2yr. on him moving in straight away i discoverd he had a fetish problem of pinching his friends wifes and girlfriends knickers from there wash baskets etc. some of them were young girls knickers also. i confronted him and being in love with him i forgave him.he said hed been doing it for years thats why his ex wife threw him out prior to meeting me.he promised he wouldgive it up.numerous things have happened since then to make me distrust him.i forgave those too. 3 days ago i found photos on his mobile of a 1213 year old who had no idea he was taking photos of her in a macdonalds. close ups of her small boobs and bum,several photos. i am so upset i have no one i can tell this to. he admits he needs help but i hate him so much i have thrown him out. i am 41 he is life feels so empty its not making sense to me. has anyone got any sort of sound advice please.X

Is my boyfriend a pervert

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i think ur boyfriend is a pervert. i think you should let him go. and i think u shud also report him to the police. he could cause a lot of hurt to some very young women. he is a pervert. there are no ifs, buts or maybes!xxx

Is my boyfriend a pervert

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i really feel that you need to let your boyfriend go. he has broken your trust and it is understandable that you are going to feel that you cannot trust him. its hard when you love somebody so much to admit that they could actually have a problem. He has admitted he needs help but actually needs to go out and get help, go to the doctor and start with councelling it is free through the GP, if you want to support him thats great but he needs to start showing you that you can start to teust him by actually getting up and going and getting help. i do feel for you, if you need someone to talk to then you can ring then samaritans in confidence, it might help you as little, good luck.

Is my boyfriend a pervert

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Hi Could your B/F have issues within his own past that is making him act like this and issues he finds too hard to talk about. If he has suffered any type of abuse in his past then he could be acting out believing that his actions are not out of the normal, not understanding the upset or issues. His age could also be a give away, he may be feeling old and in need of some distraction in an attempt to role back a few years. Pervert is to much of a widely used word to describe him, if he has faced issues within his past then it just could be that he may well have a few emotional issues he needs to face, his actions may be his way of crying out for help. Whatever you decide I do fee you need to speak to someone on his behalf, maybe a GP or the Citizens Advice, a Vicar or someone in a position of trust that knows him and may be able to help get to the bottom of things. If all else fails I do suggest you speak to the Police, we all need to protect the children of our country, otherwise we end up with more screwed up people and more problems being stored up for the future. take time, and decide what you feel is the best course of action. regards GINGER-TAZ

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