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Does this girl like me?

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Hi i recently asked a girl in my math class to go out for coffee the next day during lunch as a casual first date. She said that she wasn't sure if she would be coming to school the next day as this was the last day before finals and no teachers do any school work. I told her that's cool and that if she did end up coming to school to give me a text and we could get together. The next day, she didn't text me back saying she was in school but I also saw her twice in the halls and in class. Feeling rejected I avoided talking to her on both occasions and am considering if I should call her and try to organise a date for another day or just give this up as a lost cause. Thanks in advance

Does this girl like me?

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Sorry, but it sounds like this girl doesn't like you. (Or at least, doesn't like you enough) In high school if a guy I liked asked me out, I'd go. I'd jump at the opportunity, even if that meant going to school on a day I hadn't planned to go. But she didn't even text you when she was actually there. (It is super easy to send a text, there is no excuse) Sorry dude, but don't waste your time on someone who doesn't see how awesome you are!

Does this girl like me?

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This situation can be tricky. In high school most people aren't really used to dating and can be hesitant to saying yes to a date opportunity simply because they are nervous about the whole thing. The key is to read other clues, and determine if she is interested but hesitant about an actual date or just not interested. Try to pick up on whether you catch her looking at you more often than she would look at other people, "catch her staring", does she seem to remember details about you that normally people would forget, does she smile at you and generally seem like she is interested in you?? those are all clues. If you answered yes to some of those, chances are she just hasn't made up her mind about an official date but she is into you. My advice then would be to keep trying. Wait a few weeks before you try asking her to hang out again. In the mean time, don't avoid her. Bump in to her as much as possible, these will be your chances to test how she reacts to you. If you see her in the hall, smile at her and say hi, that's all you need to elicit a response. Then judge the response. Look to see if her response smile is genuine or not, things like that. Positive response, means try again. In high school, I had a guy do this to me for over the course sophomore year, junior year, and senior year, we ended up dating after senior year. Of course, he didn't just do it to me, he practiced on many other girls in our class in the mean time. You should too. Keep your options open.

Does this girl like me?

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No i would forget this one you seem to have enough confidence person so this is fine its better that you know now rather keep bounce back and find a girl that is interested.

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