Fell in love without trying

LOLA - Jan 24 2013 at 18:59
hi i have been seeing this guy and we have been hooking up for about 3 months now i started to have feelings for him and i find myslef thinking about him all the time. the crazy thing is that i want to have a baby with him but he has no clue thats how i feel i know he really does not want another kid right now cause he already has one but i really want one once again he has no clue
U need to tell him. If he is the father and u expect him to be there for it he deserves to know. That baby is just as much his as yours. If u don't tell him u can't expect him to want to b with someone who hides something like that. Do the right thing
its clearly states that i want to have his baby not i am having his baby
I would focus on where you are right now. It seems like you are starting to fall for him so i would have a talk with him about he feels right now and i wouldn't talk about having a baby yet because it doesn't seem like he's ready yet and you dont want to scare him off and lose the good thing that you have got.
Best of luck.
I met a man and fell for him too we were great together until I accidentally fell pregnant despite being on the pill, when I told him he demanded I abort, was on at me constantly & even said 'I hate you now for not respecting my decision to not have this child'
Unfortunately I lost the baby by miscarriage at 11 weeks, I was devastated but it's like a light came back in him, although we're in touch via texts this was october I've seen him once and spoken to him once on the phone since, this was a relationship of 3-4 month where I seen him nearly daily and he ran up £150 phone bills 2 month running,
My point is I thought we were great but the thought of a baby came between us hugely so please rethink this and appreciate what you do have now
can i assume that having a baby is something you've planned out for your life... well before you met this man?
if so, then you have a general design of how you would like your life to go (ie., family, children). in my experience, some people do not share the tendency towards this design, do not want to be tied down, and have other plans for their life- plans which will not accommodate the many responsibilities inherent to being a parent/husband (or wife!).
if a woman ends up pregnant, guys like this will sometimes deny their own designs for life and instead become a parent and a husband (as they well should, in my opinion). they may even be good parents and good husbands, may love their wives and children, but as years pass they feel stifled nonetheless. it weighs on them, they feel inexplicably unfulfilled, and the marriage becomes less passionate and more routine because of it. (this goes for women as much as for men, i think)
on the other hand, some marriages turn out great! and i think this is because the two persons had similar designs for life that gelled together quite well. and i also think this is why 'true love' can seem so rare...because it's easy to find people who ignite us, amaze us, and so forth, but it's much more difficult to find such a person who ALSO has a plan for their life that fits so perfectly with our own...so well that they become essentially a single, combined plan.
since you are not pregnant, you are in the fortunate position of being able to consider these things ahead of time, and also to decide (despite your love for this man) whether it is a good idea to try to bring a child into the mix.
if it's not something he really wants, deep down, then you shouldn't try to steer him in that direction. men can be manipulated pretty easily, but no one really wins this way.
i think you should let him know that you have real feelings for him. if responds well to that, that is a very good sign.
all the best.