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Hi Folks, I am in somewhat of a crossroads in my rel (relationship) with my girlfriend (gf) linda (not her real name) Linda decided she wanted to go visit and help care for her sister who had just broke her foot. This was on like Jan 7 or 8. I said yeh u should do that, maybe she'll need ur help......well folks she has been there for 2+ weeks now and now tells me she wont be back home now until Feb 14th now cuz she needs to be back home for a Drs appt. Folks her absence hurts BUT her indifference on how this is affecting me hurts even more. I told her that on a text we had tonite. When I confronted her @ how all this time away makes me feel like a low priority to her. She came back with how Im being "selfish" and how all this has to be "all about me", a catchphrase she uses when she thinks my behavior is 'self-centered'. Well Ive left it at that for Ive gotten no 'goodnite' text which I usually get and I get the feeling she feels fully ok with her decision to stay another 3 weeks with her sister. I was led to believe she would only be gone for 2 weeks, but it has now grown to 5 weeks. My question is: am I justified in feeling resentful for having been taken for granted that it was ok for her to leave for 2 weeks, actually was never asked if Id be ok with that! now after a few texts with her tonite she lays it on me she'll be taking 3 more weeks to stay with her sister and wont be back until mid Februaury. Well I was so hurt by this I texted her and asked her where I lie in her list of priorities. It seems the importance of being around me has fallen a distant place in her priorities. What would u do or say to her about this? Thanks in advance JohnHenry1


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Hello sir, Looks like you are not their in her priority list at all. She has a reason to stay back. Why are you pestering her? Can you not handle yoirself on your own. Or in your culture your wife takes care of all the errands. Is that why you want her back. Grow up and be independent. Dont be dependent on her or on anybody else for that reason. Just she goong away and spending some time with her folls shoild not make you question her priority list.


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Dear JOHNHENRY, I do understand what you are feeling at the moment. You are so used to having her around that you are missing her terribly. Its very natural. But do try and think from her point of view. Her sister needs help and she has to be there for her. Dont worry she will be back with you soon...dont feel so insecure. Try doing things which you havent done for a long time...catching up with your other friends, any hobby like reading books, watching movies, playing an instrument, learning an instrument etc. Wish you all the best and May God bless you...:)


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I can understand why you feel hurt because it doesn't seem like she apologised or really thought about how you feel about it. But i expect she thought that she was doing the right thing and therefore felt it wrong for you to complain about it. You could try talking to her and saying that you feel that she did the right thing going but just that you felt abit hurt. And if this doesn't work then you might just have to accept that it is something that your not going to agree on. Hope this helps.

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