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Please please please help!!!!

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Ok so I'm 24 I met this girl 25 where she works, I've known her for a few years and we just had casual talk. She had a bf of five years who she lived with it was her first and only for everything. We started talking/texting he found the texts and didn't like that she was telling me I'm such a great guy and all that so he kicked her out. She moved back in with her parents and we have been hanging out almost everyday for about six months now. It took me four months to kiss her and we slept together only once. She tells me she sees me and her in the future and having kids together and all this stuff. She tells me I treat her amazing and she didn't know a realationship could be like that because her and her ex weren't so effetionate towards eachother. She spent Xmas and new years with me and my family and we have grown so close to eachotherover the last six months I. I can honestly say I see myself with her and nobody else I love her with all my heart and just want a relationship out of all this.the problem is she is not over her ex and feels she needs him to tell her if they will ever haves future together in order for her to move on with me. she has been seeing him once a week to try and sort things out but its been six months and she has got no where.I am so in love with this girl and I really know she feels the same way. I never want to lose her ever I need her in my life forever I can't lose her. what can I do to make her realize I'm the one.I'm starting to get a broken heart because nothing is being done no choices are being made. what do I do to win her over please help me please this is tearing me up

Please please please help!!!!

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I am sure You can alwys find someone better than this person you say who is indecisive. Or you can directly tell her how you really feel and assure her - that she is the only one for you and you want to be with her. If she is not responding to you, then it is time to move on. You will always find someone. It is up to you to wait if you are not in a hurry. When you are waiting without any clue, then it will be really frustrating for you. It depends on you solely. Some people can wait for ever and sone are in a hurry. But still you need to talk to her more and tell your honest feelings.

Please please please help!!!!

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you need to play things cool, man. i know this might sound like some advice from a player website or something, but girls do not typically respond well to clingy guys. i can't understand or offer any explanation as to why, but it is a simple FACT, generally speaking. whatever you do, do not let yourself come across as insecure, unconfident. there's a way to let a girl know that you have real feelings for her yet NOT give the impression that you'll be lost without her. girls of course like to think their guy would be lost without them, but that's usually after they've already chosen him and they're in a solid relationship. when it's all still up in the air, you do not want to send this message. it may be true, it may be a gold mine for this girl, but she's probably not going to see it this way. and i don't understand why, like i said, but experience shows me and many others that it just usually plays out this way, with only a few exceptions. don't just blurt out all your feelings. let them out strategically, at the right time, and don't over-do it. and play it cool. you need to be solid, not weak and aching. let her ex ruin it for himself while you're the fun, solid, enticing alternative. all the best

Please please please help!!!!

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She knows how I feel and I told her she needs to make a decision, but in the end its really up to him if he wants her back or not but he won't give her an answer. She def knows how I feel and how I treat her. We haven't really talked since Monday because I have been backing off and today she text me and was asking me why I'm so stand off ish and why I'm giving her short answers. What do I say? I honestly want to wait forever but its starting to hurt to much me being with her one day then her running down there the next, idk what else to say

Please please please help!!!!

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that situation is just no good. at this point i am not someone to give advice on what to say or how to handle it. i will however tell you what *i* would do, and why i'd do it, for what it's worth. i would be forced to end things with her, at least for now. if my intentions were clearly romantic (as yours are) then mere friendship is pretty much out of the's all or nothing with emotions like it's romance or nothing at all, basically. secondly, if it's going to be a romance then the other person needs to dive in with both feet, just as i am. if they aren't willing to do that, then what's the point? if one loves and gives more to the relationship than the other, this creates an imbalance which will grow and fester and will not end well. it has to be a two-way street, if it is going to be a healthy, rewarding relationship. so i would tell her i feel like i'm being strung around and i don't like that. and while she's great and i have feelings for her, she's really not on the same page as i am and she has things she needs to figure out. it sucks, but i wouldn't accomplish anything by hanging around, waiting expectantly for her. that would just reflect poorly on me. just as would puppy eyes and tears. you cannot control her choices, you cannot control the possibility of losing her, but you have every ability to maintain your pride and dignity, and to stand up for yourself as well. the way you tell the story, she's already made her choice of who she wants to be with. the only one making a decision here is her ex. so yeah, definitely i would remove myself from a situation where i was second choice. im sorry, man. but we've all been there, and no doubt we'll all be there again someday. all the best

Please please please help!!!!

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It's so true and I really appreciate your insight, I'm just scared to end on bad terms incase there is ever a shot ya know

Please please please help!!!!

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It sounds like you are a much better catch then this other guy but at the same time it will be hard for her to just let him go. So you need to talk to her about making a decision. Because you need to know where you stand and tell her how your feeling right now because you might need to up the pressure abit because its not going to be easy for her either way. And if yoh don't say anything then its easier for her to let it just drag on where she is geting both of you. Hope this helps.

Please please please help!!!!

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I just got off the phone with her, I told her I can't Chase her forever and she needs to figure out who she wants. She says she's so scared she's gonna lose I'm gonna back off until she can figure it out, is that a good idea?

Please please please help!!!!

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yea i think that was a bold, difficult thing to say to someone you think you're in love with. and i think you said it in a good way. what does she mean she doesn't want to lose you? this sounds more and more like wanting to have the cake and eat it too. and it's a little selfish. im a little disappointed cuz i consciously try to tell myself "ok all girls aren't necessarily like this"; i try to keep an open mind. but experience after experience and then this story of yours... f*@! it becomes difficult not to form prejudices. one thing is for sure. love has little if anything to do with reason or rationality.

Please please please help!!!!

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There all the same and continue to prove it, I appreciate all the help man thanks a lot ill keep you posted.

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