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Please, please help me... urgent

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I asked the chick i liked quite a few days back to which she said "No at the moment". i decided to move on and stay aloof. Today accidentally i was typing "totally in love with you" to my sister i typed to the chic i liked. to which she replied "batting eyelashes". But i cleared the air that "glad you realised it was a joke" she replied "Aah *phew*". i then said "it was for someone else but got to a wrong window" she asked me "so you wrote love you in a wrong window?" i said yes. "She just replied "AAH :)" I kind of love her. but this thing was actually meant for my sister(only as a part of a continuing convo_ did i make a mistake by clearing the air? and was she happy when i said "love you"? please help i cannot understand subtleties

Please, please help me... urgent

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it sounds like she does like u but played it off thinking u didnt mean it. i have had this happen and iv been on both ends. if u love her tell her. the worst that can happen is she says no and then karma will hand u the ONE. take that chance itl pay off i promise.

Please, please help me... urgent

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It does sound like she likes you. If I were you, I'd ask her when the "moment" would come when she would say yes. Also tell her you meant to tell your sister, else she might think you meant to tell another girl and that you don't like her anymore.

Please, please help me... urgent

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TELL HER! or you will regret it. Don't go through life wondering what might have happened if....Control your life, your knowledge of situations, and your conversations. In other words say what you are thinking (after carefully thinking about what your gonna say), and mean what you say. By doing this you can always walk away with your pride in tact an respected by all.

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