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Im 15 years old female and theres a really really hot guy at my school and omg he is so sexy and im not a hoe or anything . Well hes been wanting to have sex with me this whole school year and inever let him cuz i really dont know him well enough and im a virgin but tomorrow is his last day in this state and hes gonna move back to his home state and hes never going to come back and he asked if i want to have sex with him tonight before he leaves and im scared i dont know if i should cuz i want to but what if i regret it

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DONT DO IT! I promise you that you will regret it. Do you really want to have sex with a guy and then he leaves and you never see him again? What happens when you get attached to him because of the fact that its your first time and you are going to want him again. He's not going to be there for you to have he will have moved on to some other girl from wherever he is moving to... and you will end up broken hearted...

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Please don''t do it!

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it's a BIG NO!!!! having sex with someone you dont know and leave you and your still 15 ok NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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