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Husband betrayal of finances

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It has been almost a year that I found out that my husband has been hiding where we are with our finances. My husband's income is more than what I make so he has always paid the majority of our bills. What I have learned is that he refinanced everything we owned cars house, has not filed his corporate taxes for three years. We Are 60 years old for years I have always had conversations with my husband that when I retire I wanted to have our home paid for and no credit card debt. I kept my end of of the agreement but my husband has not and has kept this deep dark lie. The biggest of the lie is that my husband refinanced our home with his bank forged by signature on the loan found someone he new to notarize my signature without me being present. We are in such a huge financial mess let, my trust in my husband is gone, we have been married thirty years, who the $@&? did I marry? I have seen an attorney and my attorney said he might see a case like this every 6 or 7 years, I went to a marriage counselor and that person said why would I stay with with someone that would do something like that and that I was very Naive. It is not as simple as just leaving. We have children and grandchildren, my husband is highly looked up to in our community, my husband does lots do charity work, if this would get out in our small community would ruin his business and he could loose his license for his business. I am so torn on what I should do. Please help me. Heart Broken

Husband betrayal of finances

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I am so sorry for your situation. I wonder how you are doing now...

Husband betrayal of finances

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I'm sorry to hear your situation. My mother-in-law had a simular story. She prayed and stayed married to him but got most of her money and had a secret stash to protect herself. He died and she found out a lot of secrets. But just stay strong I know its hard but in the end this will all catch up to him. It always does.

Husband betrayal of finances

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if you feel cheated you must leave him or let it go if thats his only folly in life there are only 2 solutions

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