My gambling debts are getting out of control

GWEN - Oct 24 2004 at 09:01
I've had a gambling problem for just over 1yr and it all came to a head a few months back when I had to take £600 cash out using my husbands credit card to cover my debts.
I managed to fob him off with silly stories about where all my money had gone but he said that he would be monitoring my Avon account (I'm a rep) to make sure it was paid and my bank account too if nessecary.
Thing is I've just lost even more money (spent and lost £180 just this morning alone) and I know that I need to tell him - but I just don't
know how.
I already owe two relatives £650 between them, although they're fairly relaxed about paying it back (they don't know why I needed it) and he doesn't know about that either.
The money I spent today was the Tax Credits that should have been paying for the weekly grocery shop.
I've just gone and closed all my online gambling accounts (that's where I do my gambling) but I know I need to tell him - but how?
Please help
Hi Gwen,
My husband has got himself in a simular situation, which has recently come to a head. His debts has run upto approximately £10,000. One lie lead to another and the debt kept building so that he could continue to cover everything from me. If I can offer you just one piece of advice, no mater how difficult it is tell him the whole truth starting from the beginning and do not hide anything. Wipe the whole slate clean.
It might take him a little time to digest, but once he excepts the situation he will realise that your honesty, means that you are aware of your problem and are willing to work towards changing and making everything right. My husband even now will not fully open up to me, I feel that there is alot more debt being hidden from me, I also feel that his lies are just tring to cover up the true extent of his problem. Its killing our relationship. Don't distroy your relationship in this way
Gambling can become addictive really quickly, and it is good that you have closed your accounts! Just remember how much you're affecting OTHER people that you care and love for a habit that does not do much for you. I am not trying to shun you by any means, I have know many people with gambling problems and understand how easily you can get sucked in! So please don't take this personally. I think that you should just flat out tell him. He should respect you for being so honest with him and it shows that you love and trust him to, basically, put you at his mercy and judgement of your confession. He loves you and remember that! However, I think to show that you really want to fix this you should try and figure out the financial situation on your own. I am not promoting taking out a loan but if you need to do that you should because you have already borrowed so much from other people. You can read into here to see if that is something you would want to consider. [url][/url]
If you decide that is not for you, you should come up with a plan to show your husband that you are serious about fixing the problem you have caused. It takes courage to confess your weaknesses and I think he should recognize that. It is never easy but if you just lay it out on the table Im sure it might not be pretty at first, but just try to stay calm and not make up excuses. I do not know you but, I can see that you are sincere by looking here already for help. It is a good step. I wish you the best of luck sweety.
Im a gambler probably worse that you, I have spent alot of money, I only had 400 dollars to live on for groceries, gas, ect and guess what I went and put all 400 in a machine knowing I dont have anyone to borrow from isnt that sick? I confessed to my husband and you need to do the same, I was crying, upset and told him Im sick. He is so understanding and stated it will be ok that I need to just stay out and think of him not just myself. I felt a weight off my shoulders and im trying to stay out for three months or until he gets home.I think maybe all people who gamble are trying to fill a void, you need to be honest and find out why, good luck one gambler to another