Dating a man with anger issues

7RIVER4 - Feb 9 2013 at 13:50
I am in love with the man who became very controlling, abusive, and jealous. We never lost the spark. We have been dating for two years. The problem is that he believes that he does not argue first but me. He does not understand that I actually would like to discuss issues we have in a peaceful way, and he cannot do that. I cannot express my opinion. He would start screaming, yelling, and calling me names, and the end he would say that I was responsible for his anger. Not just that he also told me last time when he was furious that I was responsible for his behavior when he was pushing me around. It did not hurt but the words he said hurt the most. I am so disappointed at him.
Sounds like he could be quite dangerous.
In order to address his anger he will need to stop blaming others for winding him up, so that he can take responsibility for his own behaviour.
Even if there is no actual physical violence involved, anger can be used to intimidate and scare people as a means of controlling them. Verbal abuse can also be hurtful and controlling.
If he wanted to change his ways, Anger Management training might help him - the starting point being to change his thinking so that his behaviour changes, and also his emotional mood.
His GP should be able to refer him to AM if in the UK.
Be sure to keep yourself safe as a first priority.
DO NOT MARRY THIS GUY! and stop justifying the abusive tendencies he has. Pushing you around is unacceptable and will morph into a monster if you let it.
He blames you cause he's mad? Let me guess...he has isolated you, for the most part, from any friends or family exclusive to you prior to the relationship? Your sleeping with any guy that looks in your general direction? Goes through your phone?
Get out while you can! Before he blames you for making him put you in the hospital, or worse...
I am in a somewhat similar situation. We have been engaged for more 4 years and he really does love me a lot and has been there for me through tough times, but he just cant stop abusing me. It may be an anger management issue but then i dont even say the things that he perceives in his mind and starts blaming me for stuff i dint even think of. He would then abuse me and my family with really offensive words and has even threatened to kill me. I come from a society where breaking off an engagement is considered a taboo and therefore dont see a way out of it unless i commit suicide.