Does she really love me

DORIAN - Feb 13 2013 at 01:16
Hello well ive been married going on 6 years and i just feel confussed about wether or not if she truely loves me ive seen numeros times that she has text other guys includeing her ex but she deletes the conversations and has sent pictures of herself and then deletes them also but i dont know what kind of pictures they are and i dont know how to confront her about it without her getting mad so any advice would be nice i just dont want to lose her
I will be honest. First of all your wife shouldn't be texting guys and erasing stuff after. That is a big clue she is hiding something. Second of all if you really love her you need to confront her or flip it back on her and ask her if she doen't mind if you text other women. This is how I feel, if I were to catch my husband texting other broads, and sending pictures, and erasing it in front of me it will be handled in two difffernt ways. First there will be the confronting asking him to see if he will lie , then I will ask for the phone and by the reaction I will know what the deal is, I hate to say this but why should you be in a marriage where the other person doen't soley focus on you. I will leave it at that.
You have got a right to be unhappy with this epecially if she's keeping things from you. You need to talk to her about it and just ask her because you have a right to know. And you need to just be straight with her. But if she is going to continue then you just need to end it because whats a relationship without trust.
Hope this helps.
I would also wonder why she feels the need to do this?