What do I do next?

PHILLY - Feb 18 2013 at 16:59
A girl I had recently been seeing and texting recently said she cant talk anymore. I was taken back by this as she told me a few days earlier she wanted to be with me and was crazy about me. I said likewise and we agreed to see each other again. She is out of the country a few months and has had tough time with the loss of someone close to her. I think she could be upset still by this. I text her to tell her how much I like her and was here for her and that I would not give up on her. I told she could talk to me. She replied to this message with kisses. Should I take this as encouragement. I text her to say I meant it after, but no reply. What should I do now?
You have done your part of expressing and telling her. See if she responds or you can still txt her to see if everything is ok with her. In times of distress people sometimes alienate others, even though you were close. So cbeck with her after some time and then decide what you want to do. Its easy to break a relationship but difficult to mend it back again. So dont do anything which you may regret later.
you have to back off now and give her space, relationships are probably the last thing on her mind after a death it would be incredibly selfish of you too put your need for affection before her grief she will think your very needy and posesive, let her come to you
It must be frustrating when you like her and you think that she likes you too but right noe a realatuonship is probably not at the fore front of her mind. And you have let her know that you are there if she needs you so you should give her some time and hope that if she needs you then she will contact you.
Hope this helps.