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Clarification, does it class as rape?

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We was best friends since year 7. For the last two years of high school we dated. And I told him I wanted to wait until I was 16 before we had sex, and so we waited, by this time we had being together a year. We was together for 2 and a half years. Then things started to get harder between us when I went to sixth form and he was doing nothing with his life. So I broke it of, I just couldn't cope with the lying and the broken promises anymore. We had had plans to spend the night at his Aunt's for his birthday and me sleep there before we ended it. And because it was his birthday and we were trying to stay friends we kept the plans on. But I told him that I didn't want sex. We went to his aunt's as planned and he made my drinks for me. It wasn't until after I had drank some that he told me that he was putting vodka in them. By this time I was completely drunk. I was stumbling walking back to his, and he put me on the bed when we got back. I could barely keep my eyes open and I was so tired. When I opened my eyes I was naked and he was on top of me. I told him no and that I didn't want to. And then I fell asleep again, i couldn't help it. I woke up again -but this time I was on my belly and he was behind me, pushing my legs open and positioning himself. I couldn't move, I couldn't think, I was terrified. When I finally woke up in the morning he asked me if I remembered anything from last night, and i just told him I thought his Aunt was nice. I was in lots of pain between my legs, and I quickly got the 2 hour bus ride home. I just need to know if this was rape? I keep telling myself it wasn't, cause I let myself get put in that position. I don't know who to talk to, and I really need advice. This was really hard to write, so please, for all you joker answers out there, please don't. But I would really like some advice.

Clarification, does it class as rape?

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Yes, that is rape. Rape is anything that does not involve consent in a fully conscious mind, and dear coming from someone who is a victim, speak up while you can <3

Clarification, does it class as rape?

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Honey, he raped you. He lied to you to get you drunk. He didn't ask your permission, you said no, and he did it anyway. That is by definition rape. There is no such thing as ASKING to be raped. It's literally impossible, because rape by definition is described as a sexual act against a person AGAINST their will. You can't ASK for something to be done against your will. You understand? I don't care if you were dancing around naked under a full moon! No one has the right to touch your body like that if you don't want them to.

Clarification, does it class as rape?

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Hi Greeneyes, Both of the previous posts were completely correct. You were raped. Go to the internet and search for free rape counseling in your area. It is key you get help for this. I have recently chatted with many women in rape situations who can't afford counseling. I felt out of my depth but still wanting to help. So I trolled the internet and found what I think are some good websites and chat rooms that may help you get better advice than here at peoples problems. These are in the United States but there are similar ones all over the world. Here they are: To the best of my knowledge these are free and the last one will help you find a center that can help. Your bravery to come here for help inspires me so I thank you for that. You have helped make my day a little easier to endure.

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