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Lap sitting fetish

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i hav a strong fetish of sitting on girl's lap..its a harmless fetish but i am hesitant to ask for it as the girl might think i am weird and less do i express this to a girl??

Lap sitting fetish

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If you're not shy, then you don't. You just sit on her lap. Just do it. Best of luck, Someone who sits on girls' laps.

Lap sitting fetish

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Hey, I can absolutely relate to your issue as I too have a fetish to sit in a girls lap! I find that most women don't mind it in a playful or flirty manner but like you I have never admitted to them that it is a fetish.. Honestly, best thing to do is not to make a big deal out of it! Be yourself, have fun and if you meet one that you like and trust then go ahead and do it if an opportunity presents itself! If you have a girl who really likes you and tell her that sitting in her lap is a turn on for you then I'm sure she won't judge you too much anyway..

Lap sitting fetish

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Lap sitting is a perfect normal desire. I don't like to use the word fetish because there is not such thing as normal and to each his/her own; it is a term usually used by closed minded people or by people who don't want to incur their ridicule. The key to having fun with a woman is 1. you like each other, 2. you are both fun 3. you trust each other 4. you can communicate 5. you don't rush into things too quickly. Just like you would not hug or kiss a woman right away you should not sit on her lap as it can be a form of intimacy even if its just mean as playful fun. The more she gets to know you and like you the more willing she will be to try things with you. If after following the above steps she backs away or criticizes or makes fun of what you want, chances are she is not right for you. Most women are pretty open minded as long as you play it straight, act sincere and treat them well. I have introduced many women to lap-sitting, wrestling, lifting and carrying me and at first they may have thought it was odd (what they meant was different) but after explaining what I liked and why and giving them time to try itm most not only liked it but were turned on by it. Good luck!!

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