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Confused in Maryland

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my boyfriend and I just broke up again for the 7th time in 5 years. I always take him back and things are okay for the first couple of months and then it starts all over again. I don't deny that I have issues, trust issues, attention issues, and sex issues, not enough sex. My problem is that I don't understand what he wants from me now. He called sat. to see if he could get the rest of his things, I said okay and he came by and got them, He said he wanted his bed and I said no, not until I get my futon so I have something to sllep on. I then called him on sun. and said he could come get his bed. He replied keep it, I don't know when I'll be able to get it. He then sent me an email on sun. saying that I could keep the bed but he wanted the south park dvds that I had bought him as gifts over the years but he had pawned them last time we split up and I went to the pawn shop and got them out. He also said he wanted to pay to have the tattoo removed from my bottom that says his name, he said he did nothing wrong and he doesn't deserve to be disrespected like that> LIke what? The tattoo? I did not get it to be disrespectful to him. I got it to let him know that I loved him enough to have him with me forever. I'm confused by his hostility one minute and his niceness the next. Why can't he just let it go and leave me alone to mend? It's like Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde. What does he want from me? Should I just give him the dvd's, and then what else will he call to email to say that he wants because he feels it's his? He left here with his clothes. That's all he has. It's not my fault he pawned everything he owned the last time we split up. I just don't know how to end this. Everytime I start to feel okay, he calls or emails me or something. please help me if you have any input into my situation. I really love him but the reality is it's never going to work. please help. hopeless.

Confused in Maryland

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Hi! It is weird you responded to my post, and now I am yours. We are both in a similar situation (the break-up).. and we both live in MD :) Small world. Anywhoo.. I have done the same thing with ex's, back and forth, tit for tat.. I bought this, that is mine.. etc. I have left everything before with one ex, had to start over.. and he still harassed me. (Still does) I have done the split things up too.. and didn't work, still got the phone calls. It is as if they want it over, but still want to remain in contact just to see how we are "dealing" with things. They are allowed to move on, while we are suppose to put our lives on hold and wait for them. Yes, I have left every LTR I have been in... but that was after being left, letting them come back.. and so on. What I plan to do ( though I really do not want to!!) is have my # changed, and any emails from him will be erased.. I know if I read them, I will feel bad and contact him.. and then I am giving in (letting him be in control once again) I think if you really are unsure of the whole break-up and you think he may still have some feelings (which I think he does.. I wouldn't call my ex for some DVD's if I didn't) then find out what exactly he wants. If he insists he is done with you, tell him not to email you.. if he does DON'T read them!! You may have to get your number changed, I know you may not want to do all this.. but it is the only way you will be able to move on. That was the only way I was able to.. once I cut off all contact with finally was over. I have children with my ex too.. and still managed to keep him at a distance ( dropped the kids off to his parents, picked them up from his parents.. if that wasn't possible.. I brought a friend with me. He didn't want to look like a wimp to my friend.. so he would say nothing :) I hope this helps.. Like I said before.. it is what I am planning on doing once again.. just hurts so bad.. and to have to do it AGAIN (when you still love them).. dammit!! I sometimes wish I was one of those women who goes from one relationship to the next.. and had some "help" getting over him.. but I know that wouldn't be fair to me, my children or the new guy.. so that is why I don't do it that way.. would be a heck of alot easier that way..heh? Maybe if you don't live too far, we can hang out and watch the sappy movies together and cry.. LOL!

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