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I just really need someone to talk to

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I barely have friends they're all fake and its been proved to me that way. I'm 16 and the only person that brought me joy and happiness left me, he was the love of my life and now he's gone. It's been 5 months and I still cry myself to sleep. My parents well we have our good and bad days but mostly bad. I'm bottling up all of my emotions and its depressing me so much because I have nobody to talk to there's just so much shit going on in my life and I need to let it out to someone who will listen to me.

I just really need someone to talk to

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I'm actually not Christian though. And yes my school does have a counselor but I just feel so weird talking about my problems at school to her, I do have a favorite teacher and she seems like the exact type of teenager with a teenage mentality but I don't know how to approach I'm such a quite and shy person.

I just really need someone to talk to

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Hi! I was a teacher for 5 years and I now for a fact that the right teachers want to be there for you. They may not be able to say what they really feel but they can at least help a bit. But keep in mind sometimes their hands are tied so if they can't answer you it's not because they dont want to help you. Just go up and ask them if you can talk. If they are worth their teaching salt they will talk to you. Right now though you need to really focus on what you love doing. Find your happy and as long as your aren't hurting yourself or others don't let anyone tell you no. There are not enough nos in the world to counter the one yes you need. You are the only one who can truly make you happy, no one else can have that power over you. :) I would be happy to talk more if you need it. Good luck and I hope this helps!

I just really need someone to talk to

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I am 28 and going through the same thing as you and I know what you feeling. But I have realised that we need to talk to a doctor or councillor. it does help a bit because they know how to make it better with medication and talking and they don't laugh or judge you.

I just really need someone to talk to

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I feel like I'm having the same problems lets talk!

I just really need someone to talk to

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Hello, I just want you to know that as much as you feel alone your not hun, you did the right thing by reaching out to people, I am 25 and I have a long history of battling depression, going to see a counselor for help is a really good idea, they are there to help you, I have seen a counselor for 3 years now to help me resolve my issues, and now I go for preventative maintenance and she is a reallly good person to talk to, over time you develop a friendship with them. If you ever want to talk feel free to reply to my message I am a great listener and I think what you need is someone to vent to and you can consider me a friend, I will do my best to help you as much as you will let me. Hang in there.

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